The Technology That Enables Consumers To Protect Their Privacy And Avoid Large Real Estate Portals

Large Real Estate Portals
Image by Onur Sarıtaş from Pixabay

We live in times where pretty much everything is dependent on technological advancements. The digital age has transformed almost all aspects of our lives. However, ongoing technological advancements can make the task of protecting consumer privacy challenging if not handled properly. Keeping passwords safe from intruders is critical for consumers. If you are shopping for property or involved in any kind of retail business, there are different measures you can take to protect your information. Read on to learn the technology that enables consumers to protect their privacy and avoid large real estate portals.

Real Estate Websites

A website plays a critical role in the real estate business since it allows consumers to easily search for different properties they may be interested in. Real estate agents with websites can generate many leads and attract many customers. On the other hand, consumers must be proactive in protecting their privacy when shopping online. Most real estate websites are designed in a way that they call for action from potential buyers.

When shopping online and you come across something attractive, you should verify the credibility of the site first before taking further action. Make sure the site is reputable before sharing your details. You also need to go through the website’s privacy statement to confirm its authenticity. You can also use the site’s chat services without sharing your details to get the information you want. In most cases, there is no need for sharing your details on large real estate portals.

Ideal Property Search Tools

There are different property search tools you can use when looking for property to buy. For instance, the internet data exchange (IDX) is a special real estate property site that allows people to search for approved Multiple Listing Service (MLS) properties. If you are looking for a property in a particular area, you can utilize this service.

Realtors can also use these platforms to facilitate the sale and purchase of real estate. With IDX, the MLS participants can authorize the display of limited electronic listings to protect their interests. The brokers can only display other people’s listings after obtaining consent from them. To ensure maximum privacy of your listings, it is vital to look for a top rated IDX that offers effective security systems. Modern search facilities are designed to make the process seamless across multiple platforms while prioritizing the needs of the participants. IDX’s search offers advanced map-based searching that does not overwhelm the consumers.

Social Media

Today’s real estate market is quite different from what it was in years gone by. People would conduct physical searches for properties while others used Yellow Pages and MLS books. However, in the current digital world, practices like social networking have become the order of the day. Different social media platforms can be used by consumers which are also designed to protect their privacy.

Most social networking sites have two-way communication channels, and they promote engagement between realtors and buyers. While social media platforms have limited privacy, you are responsible for protecting your information. Sharing a lot of personal information on your profile can be dangerous since it can be accessed by unauthorized persons and used for other undesirable purposes. Data theft is rampant, so you should make sure you safeguard whatever you post on social media.

When you create a social media account, you should secure it with a strong password. Many hackers successfully crack different social media accounts through the use of trial-and-error tactics. Don’t use nicknames or other simple names that can be easily associated with your social media account. Do not post sensitive information on social media that can place you in a vulnerable position. Only post details about yourself that you are comfortable with strangers knowing. You also need to be careful when you post photos about your family or other connections.

Another effective way of protecting your data is to customize your social media privacy settings. For instance, you can set your profile in such a way that you determine the people who can view the content you post. You can also choose the people who can see information on your profile such as date of birth, employment history, and other personal details. Make sure you select the highest level of privacy available to protect your data from unauthorized persons with malicious intentions.

While it is fun to share different pieces of information on social media platforms, remember the content will be available for a long time. Apart from customizing your privacy settings, you must carefully select the information that you post. Do not attract data thieves to your profile by posting enticing things like photos and your career history. Always try to keep your profile ordinary to keep unscrupulous internet users at bay.


Email is another effective technology you can use to protect your privacy when you conduct any kind of real estate business. There are many benefits of using email to communicate with real estate agents if you want to protect your privacy. One good thing about this channel of communication is that it cannot be accessed by unauthorized people unless they have your password. Therefore, creating a strong password for your email account is the first step you should take to protect it. Make sure your password is long, and it consists of upper and lower case letters as well as figures. Change your password regularly and do not share it with anyone – not even the most trusted person.

Image of Tumisu on Pixabay

Encryption is another method you can use to protect your privacy. When you encrypt your messages, it means they can only be accessed by a person with the code to decrypt them. To secure your email account from attacks like malware and other elements that can steal your data, you should not open links from unknown sources. It is a good idea to avoid opening emails that come from unknown senders. When you are in doubt about the authenticity of the email, it’s best to delete it rather than regret it later.

Another method of protecting your computer from harmful attacks is to install appropriate anti-virus software. This is meant to protect your device from malware and other forms of viruses like Trojans. You also need to activate your firewall, so all threats are detected before they impact your information. All security threats will be prevented from accessing your operating system which can lead to the loss of valuable data.

Real Estate Apps

Real estate apps are another form of technology that enables you to protect your privacy. These apps are convenient since you can access them on the go from any mobile device like a tablet or smartphone. According to research, about 76% of home buyers use their mobile devices to search for the properties they want. The apps are also accessible from a computer.

Mobile real estate apps have massive databases of properties including apartments, houses, and commercial buildings. They benefit different consumers including homebuyers, investors, and renters. Prospective buyers can filter properties by location, size of the building, and other factors that can help them make informed decisions. There are different types of real estate apps designed to provide search efficiency, customer support, the best user interface, and reliability.

The good thing about these real estate apps is that they have settings that allow the users to determine the information that can be stored or shared. When using this app, you must select the option that allows for the least amount of data being shared. Take stock of your app to ensure it does not exceed the limit of information you want to be shared or accessed. It is essential to refresh your app and get rid of unwanted information. This will help you protect your privacy, especially if you have information that you don’t want to be accessed by third parties.

Secure Your Network

Many people use private networks to shop for real estate properties and conduct other businesses online. To protect your information, it is important to use a strong password to secure your wireless network. This will help prevent unauthorized people in your neighborhood from hijacking your network.

When unauthorized people access your network, there is a danger that they can steal your private information. If you use a Wi-Fi network at your home, you should encrypt and hide it so that it does not show your name or Service Set Identifier (SSID). Your router must also be protected by a password to keep hackers and data thieves at bay.

A virtual private network (VPN) is another option you can consider to protect your privacy when you use the internet to shop online. VPN is designed to hide your online activity. With the appropriate VPN, even the internet service provider cannot track your location or your activities such as your browsing history. It also conceals details about your ISP address, the gadget used online, and other details that can expose your identity.

There are different types of VPNs, so you should pick a package that best aligns with your specific needs. When you install the ideal VPN, you can enjoy peace of mind when you shop for properties online. No one can track your activities. Additionally, VPN helps protect your devices from malicious attacks like spyware or viruses.

Mobile Devices

In this digital world, almost everyone has a mobile gadget like a tablet or smartphone. Many people use these devices to shop for houses online. Mobile technology is convenient since you can use it on the go. However, a simple mishap like losing your tablet or smartphone in a public place can compromise your data since it may end up in the hands of the wrong people. Your sensitive information can be used for malicious purposes, and you may end up experiencing unprecedented losses.

The good news about using mobile devices when conducting real estate shopping is that you can take different measures to protect your data if your device is stolen. The first thing you should do is ensure that your device is always locked. Smartphones and tablets have user-friendly interfaces that allow you to choose your preferred locking system to add a layer of protection. A password is the most common form of security you can consider for your device. It becomes difficult for a thief to crack a strong password. This can go a long way in protecting your privacy if you lose your device.

Another useful feature of smart mobile devices is that they can lock automatically if they are inactive for a specified time. Even if you forget to lock your device or lose it, your data will be protected. As long as it is protected by a strong password, no one will be able to access your information.

Other mobile devices come with advanced security features that include screen lock and fingerprint identity. You can lock the screen using a unique pattern. Even if you lose your phone, it will be difficult for any person to unlock it if they don’t know your security pattern. The fingerprint security ID is more advanced since no one else can unlock your mobile device. The image of the fingerprint will be converted into a mathematical algorithm that cannot be reversed. Instead, it is stored within your phone’s security chip and cannot be accessed by any app.

Real Estate Portals
Photo by Avi Waxman on Unsplash

Shopping for real estate properties online offers many benefits and is quite convenient since you can do everything from the comfort of your home. Different plugins, self managed hoa software, and other forms of technology are designed to make the home-buying process easier. For example, IDX has a user-friendly interface that helps improve your shopping experience.

However, the issue of privacy is of great concern since consumers can lose their data to unscrupulous people if privacy measures are not implemented. The tips in this guide can go a long way in helping potential property buyers protect their data. Different technologies provide various levels of security. When you decide to use technology to conduct real estate business, make sure you fully understand the potential consequences of doing so.