Gaming Tips for Comfort: Setup, Posture & Better Health

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If you’re a gamer, you’ll attest that nothing makes the grind more uncomfortable than aches and pains brought about by prolonged sitting and repetitive hands and fingers movement. Whether you’re doing gaming professionally or it’s one of the many leisure activities you enjoy like video editing, composing music on garageband with your pals, etc. we want to make your gaming hours more comfortable. We have put together the ultimate tips for comfortable and healthy gaming. Read on and get to know how you can be the best in your gameplay while also minimizing your aches and injuries.

Getting it right on the posture and the ergonomics

Gaming often means sitting for long hours, which can increase your risk for muscular imbalances and postural pains.

One of the best ways to ensure you’re sitting in the right posture is to get a comfortable chair.  For instance, an ergonomic gaming recliner chair is the perfect example of a gaming chair that can guarantee comfort.

Other factors to look out for when choosing a gaming chair are:

  • Seat Height– When buying a gaming chair, ensure the height is relative to your leg height up to the knee. An extremely tall chair will leave your feet hanging, causing limited blood flow to your body’s lower parts. Also, your knee should be bent at a 90-degree angle while seated. If your current chair doesn’t meet the above requirements, no need to worry. Look for a box to rest your feet such that they’re flat on the ground when seated. And if you’re shopping for a gaming chair, it’s best to choose one with an adjustable height.
  • Chair backrest– Resting your back comfortably is very important if you’re going to sit for more than an hour. Contrary to common belief, your back should not rest at a 90-degree angle but a 100-135 degree angle. This posture allows your shoulder to stay in a relaxed position and also prevents you from leaning forward when gaming.

Related: Mobile Gaming: More Than an Adequate Console Alternative?

Check your screen-eye position

Your eyes should rest on the top third part of your computer screen. Any height lower or higher than this will put a lot of strain on your neck. This screen height specification should apply when gaming in a seated or standing position.

Further, too much screen light or lack of it can easily affect your eyesight. Ensure the screen is at an arm’s length from your body and make sure your monitor brightness isn’t too bright or too dim such that you’re straining to see. You can stare at the screen before the game to determine if the brightness is right for your eyes.

Similarly, you should check the keyboard position to prevent a strain on your elbows.  When using the keyboard, the elbow should rest at a 90-degree angle.

If you’re going to use a headset, get one whose sound is comfortable to your ears. Today’s headphones have several features meant for safeguarding your health, such as noise-cancellation or extra padding for your ears.  Do a bit of research before shopping, so you get to know the best headphones for you.

To safeguard your health and maintain comfort during gaming, you should also regularly interchange between sitting and standing positions.

Have scheduled breaks

Unfortunately, gaming can be addictive as it triggers dopamine release, which is a chemical that reinforces the behavior.

Many gamers find themselves playing nonstop for as long as 12 hours.  Gaming for hours without a break or even sleep interferes with your sleep pattern and leaves your body feeling tired and weak. It’s even more worrying because many addicted to gaming will skip meals or survive on unhealthy snacks.

While it’s good to have fun and enjoy yourself, it’s also important to be mindful of your health. Here are tips to ensure your body stays in shape even as you continue gaming.

  • Take breaks between games– Have a set schedule if you plan to play games for an extended period. Ensure you have breaks to take meals, shower, and give your body time to relax. You should also remember to stay hydrated even as your game for optimal health. Remember, doing the same thing continuously for hours exhausts your body and mind.
  • Exercise a lot– If you’re a game fanatic, you’re in the same category as an office worker. You run the risk of contracting lifestyle diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, etc. To keep your body fit, take time off to engage in outdoor activities and exercise.
  • Have a social life– Mental illness is a medical issue that has caught up with most gamers. Lack of a social life due to spending too much time indoors can end up affecting your mental wellbeing. Therefore, don’t let gaming take all your time. Instead, manage your schedule to ensure you’ve time to engage with family and friends.

Gaming is supposed to make your life more fun and exciting.  It should never lead to mental or health issues. Following simple gaming management practices such as getting the proper gaming chair and taking constant breaks between games can guarantee you better health. Remember, there is life after gaming. Therefore, don’t neglect your health for the love of the game.