What Is Cybersecurity Awareness Training?

IT support companies in Miami
Credit: rsisecurity.com

Cybersecurity awareness training is a training program offered by various IT support companies in Miami. It teaches workers about the various cyberthreats they can encounter, and the actions they take that could increase their risk for a cyberattack. It helps employees identify threats and how to respond to a cyberattack.

What is the importance of cybersecurity awareness training?

The goal of awareness training is to reduce the likelihood of human error in security breaches. It’s estimated that 90% of major breaches are the direct result of human error. This is why cybersecurity awareness training is a crucial part of an organization’s safety plan.

Benefits of conducting cybersecurity awareness training

A staff that is well-trained in cybersecurity is less likely to pose a risk to the organization’s digital network.

A company that invests in cybersecurity awareness training for employees will experience fewer financial losses due to cybercrime.

Furthermore, if all employees undergo cybersecurity awareness training, there will be less of a risk of breaches should someone leave the firm. In other words, you’ll reduce the chances of a security breach because a key worker isn’t at work that day.

Finally, a company with cybersecurity-aware personnel will have a better reputation with clients since most customers are hesitant to do business with an untrustworthy firm. Despite the actual impact of any particular breach, a firm that is frequently subjected to security breaches loses consumers as a result of bad publicity.

What cybersecurity awareness training should include

Various types of cyberthreats

In order to effectively keep security breaches at bay, employees need a basic understanding of the various ways that threats can present themselves. For instance, you can tell them about spam, malware, social engineering, phishing, and more.

Password security

Inform your staff that passwords are the first line of defense against attackers, looking to steal sensitive and valuable information. You should show how to create a strong password that should include a mix of characters, letters, and numbers. Your employees must also learn about good password hygiene.

Identifying and reporting possible threats

It is crucial that employees know how to spot potential malware, viruses, password hacks, and phishing scams. They should be able to identify the telltale signs of a potential threat. After spotting a threat, they should report any red flags they see to the appropriate cybersecurity personnel.

Browsing guidelines

An employee’s emailing and browsing habits can put the company at risk for an attack. Therefore, it is crucial to include policies and guidelines in your training for using email, the Internet, and social media platforms.

How often should cybersecurity awareness training be conducted?

A company’s cybersecurity awareness training shouldn’t be a one-time event, but rather an ongoing process where employees are constantly updated and educated on the latest threats. The frequency of these programs will depend on the size and scope of the organization.

New employees should receive security awareness training as part of their induction process, with experts advocating for these practices. Issuing certificates as part of the employment practice is the formal way to establish these best practices.

How partnering with a managed IT services provider can help

If your Miami business is looking to conduct a cybersecurity awareness training session for your employees but doesn’t know where to start, you can enlist the services of a reputable IT support company in Miami.

Working with the best IT support Miami has to offer will ensure your employees are well prepared for a cyberattack.