Why Localization Is Important To Global Marketing?

translate script
Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

Are you aware of the power of marketing? With the right marketing strategies, you can turn a small business into a powerful brand. However, if you want to go global, you need to make your content relatable to the target audience.

Localization is an essential step towards winning over international customers. This is a process that goes beyond translation and considers the audience’s habits, values, customs, and attitudes when translating the content.

If you want to know what makes localization such a relevant part of global marketing, keep reading.

Build Customer Loyalty

To solve someone’s problem, you first need to recognize their pain points and prove that you understand them. That’s how powerful marketing works. It demonstrates the ability of the company to find the problem and offer the right solution. Consumers won’t trust a brand that can’t identify their issues and show compassion.

Just take the 2021 Hispanic Digital Fact Pack analysis as an example. The research took place in the US and it was focused on consumers of Hispanic origin. The results showed how 71% of customers prefer brands that understand their specific culture and include elements of it in their outreach.

You won’t be able to offer a solution in an adequate way if you don’t know the target audience’s culture. While localizing the content, you can make slight changes that will make your marketing outreach more relatable. Simply translating the text won’t do the trick.

Create Potential for Higher Revenue

Successful localization and all the positive outcomes that come with it will increase your chance for higher revenue. If you manage to introduce your brand in the best light, you’ll start selling your products faster and earning more money.

Working with a localization expert from the beginning can actually cut you some costs. It’s better that you properly localize your website, ads, and social media content. Otherwise, you might need to pay another specialist to fix the mistakes of poorly translated content. This will take away your valuable time and money.

Personalize the Campaigns

What can make you stand out among other foreign brands is personalization. According to research, the benefits of personalized marketing campaigns include:

  • Increased customer engagement by 55%
  • Improved visitors’ experience by 55%
  • Improved perception of the brand by 39%
  • Higher conversion rates by 51%
  • Increased customer acquisition by 46%

By localizing your marketing content you will add a personal touch to your campaigns. This is how you’ll manage to win over local customers.

Make Sure That You Aren’t Sending a Wrong Message

People from different countries and cultures can sometimes have different interpretations of the same notion. What some glorify others may find offensive.

Localization will identify these variations in meaning and interpretation. It will make sure that you don’t offend or send the wrong message to your international customers.

For example, in 2009, HSBC Bank went global with their “Assume Nothing” campaign. The problem arose when they wrongly translated the tagline as “Do Nothing” in many countries. The bank spent millions of dollars relaunching a different campaign. That’s what happens when you don’t consider how the locals will perceive the message.

It’s crucial that you localize all your marketing content. If you’ll be creating new marketing videos or short films, better hire a professional to translate script before you start with filming. An expert translator will spot all the places where there’s room for customization.

Optimize Your Global Marketing Content

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an unavoidable step in digital marketing. It helps you gain organic traffic and improve your rating. However, your optimization efforts can be in vain without localization.

You need to have your audience in mind while creating optimized content. That’s how you’ll provide value to them and gain points with search engine crawlers. Localization experts can make sure that your content is optimized for the target market.

Final Thoughts

Your global transformation won’t be complete without a quality marketing localization. It will help you build a winning campaign that is designed according to your target audience. Show your audience that you understand them and you’ll have them on your side in no time.

Eric Wyatt is a writer, translator, and localization specialist. He has been implementing localization strategies across various industries including marketing, technology, education, and healthcare. Eric is also passionate about European movies and traveling.