Why Consider A Career In Business Analytics?

Career In Business Analytics
Credit: mygreatlearning.com

These days, boosting business sales and finding new customers is no longer about just putting your ads out there and hoping that your target market finds them. In a world that is becoming more and more reliant on data, companies that want to improve results from marketing campaigns and boost sales and conversions are all about making decisions that are actionable and data driven. Today we are in the age of information, and data is everywhere, with businesses of all sizes finding it easier than ever before to collect often vast amounts of data on their customers. Undoubtedly, data has become the lifeblood of many businesses today, but how can you turn this into information that you can use to make more sales, increase customer satisfaction and happiness, and develop popular products and services?

The increase in data collection and data use around the world has led to an uptake in professionals who are trained to make sense of it all and get insights from data. Business analysts are one such professional whose role involves condensing raw data into metrics that are easy to understand so that companies can get valuable insights into future trends. The demand for business analysts is on the rise, as more company leaders understand the importance of making data-driven decisions when it comes to the health, growth, and reputation of their company. Here are some of the top reasons to consider a future career in business analytics.

Excellent Pay

If you want a stable career in terms of pay and are driven by increasing your earnings then business analytics is a field that does not disappoint. Being trained in business analytics means that you have a unique combination of both business and analytical skills that is highly sought after in today’s world. With more positions hiring than there are business analysis professionals applying for roles, average salaries are very generous even when just starting out in an entry-level position. Compared to other IT professionals, business analytics professionals can earn around 50% more. Learn more with this master’s in business analytics from Aston University.

The Work is Interesting

The world is changing a lot, and more and more data is being gathered all the time. For business analysts, the best thing about this is that they work in a role where there are always new things to learn and new challenges to take on. Depending on the type of company that you work for in this role, you may be looking at different things each day, such as the business’s online shopping customer trends or employee attendance rates, to get an insight into why things are the way that they are, and what can be changed to get better results for the business. A business analyst works in a role where they are tasked with analysing lots of different information from different sources, meaning that the work can be quite mentally stimulating if you enjoy learning new things and coming up with solutions and ideas.

Make a Difference

Business analytics might not be the first role that comes to mind when you consider work that makes a difference in the world. However, the truth is that there are lots of things that we enjoy or are even used to today that would not be possible without the work of business analysts. Business analytics is a role in which you can identify and address trends, and this might sometimes be in an important area like healthcare, for example, where other people are going to be impacted by the work that you do. When analysing data, you might get insights and come to conclusions that are ultimately used to influence and inform decisions that help to improve things for certain groups of people.

Career Freedom

Another great reason to consider getting into business analytics is that this role is one that can be applied in a huge number of industries and fields, giving you more career freedom as a professional. There is no need to stick to working in just one industry as a business analytics professional since your skillset and knowledge can be put to use in many different environments, and the demand is high amongst different industries. It is an ideal option if you want to get into a career where you have the chance to work in different industries that interest you and learn more about them.

Technology Advancements and High Demand

Data is not a new thing; however, the difference these days is that we generate much higher amounts of it compared to in the past. This is mainly due to the advanced technologies that we now have access to. Right now, companies are able to collect huge amounts of information that they may not have been able to access in the past, such as information on individual buyer preferences and target market demographics that is much more specific. This has led to a situation where businesses in various industries all around the world are prioritising making use of the vast amounts of data that they have access to. For trained business analysts, this is not only leading to growing demand and better job security, but also a situation where it is easy to find work no matter where in the world you go. Whether you want to stay in your hometown or relocate to a different country, it will be not be difficult to find a business that is looking to employ somebody who has the skills that they need to make better use of data.

Get Into IT

If you want to work in the well-respected and lucrative IT field but are not interested in computer science or programming, business analytics can be an alternative entry route. Many business analytics professionals use the same tools as data scientists, which can get you into an IT role without the need to study computer science, programming, or machine learning.

If you are hunting for your next career and want to do something that is future-proof, business analytics might be a top choice for you.