Why Coding Is Actually Good For Your Kids


With today’s current digital state, it is no wonder why parents are encouraging their kids to learn how to code. It has become an in-demand skill in the job market. On top of that, coding has also become a lucrative skill that children can easily learn online. Nowadays, even a kid can learn coding and programming online without having to leave the comfort of their home.

That being said, we have listed a few good reasons to convince you why you should really consider encouraging your kids to learn to code.

Creative Outlet

Despite being under the STEM category, coding for kids is still a creative pursuit. Once your kid fully grasps and understands a single coding language, they could then use it as one of their creative outlets. Given that coding and programming offer endless possibilities, your kids would be able to create their own apps, customize their own games, and even share their projects with their friends. So they would not be only learning a valuable skill, but they would also gain an outlet where they can express and share their ideas.

Software and apps like Scratch, Blockly, and Swift are a great way to get your kids interested in coding and programming. Through these apps, your kid would be able to learn the basics and fundamentals of coding in no time. Aside from that, they can incorporate and integrate their creativity into storytelling. app making, and so on.

Core Soft Skills

Your kids can acquire several soft skills in coding and programming. Soft skills like patience, sharp memory, self-motivation, and problem-solving are just some of the skills they can pick up while they are learning how to code.

Since they would eventually progress and move on to more complex problems and processes, your kids would have a better idea of what it is like to solve problems on their own. As we all know, coding requires patience and independence. There are times when your kids have to find and solve problems on their own. That being the case, it would naturally help them develop and hone these soft skills in the long run.

New Literacy

Indeed, coding has now become a core literacy and one of the most in-demand skills in the job market today. Thanks to digitization, most of the gadgets and software that we used are made through different coding and programming languages. In fact, most of the technology and other things we use every day are run by codes and programs.

Having your kids learn coding at a young age would help them prepare for the future. Career-wise, it is safe to assume that learning any coding language would ultimately benefit them and give them a one-up in any job screening process. As for academic context, coding would surely help them prepare for more advanced courses that they might take in the future. It would help provide great confidence in class and would also empower them to study more about the subject.

New Perspective

As cliché as this may sound, coding and programming could actually bring a new and fresh perspective to your kids. As you might already know, learning how to code is basically trial and error for the most part. Through this process, your kids would be able to think on their feet and come up with different ways on how to solve any problems.

In addition to this, it would also help improve your kids’ critical thinking and imagination. Viewing problems from a different perspective would help provide more clarity as to how they should approach and strategize their next project in the future. This helps them prepare as well as learn from their past mistakes.

Valuable Insights

Even though your kids only managed to learn the basics and fundamentals of coding, they already gain valuable insights just for simply trying. Once your kid started learning how to code, they would be able to understand how the things around them work. Aside from its technical aspects, your kid would be able to easily distinguish and identify its purpose.

Since programming is basically a process of creating a set of instructions for computers, you would ultimately help your kids better understand the things around them. Once they get a peek of what it is like to work as a coder/programmer, they would already have an idea of whether they want to pursue a career in IT/computer science or not.

Getting them excited to learn

Like most of us, the first step towards mastery can be quite difficult. Given that the road ahead is slightly bumpy and might be too overwhelming for your kids, you should find a comfortable spot for learning. That spot should not be too easy or too hard, but it should just be the right amount to keep them engage and interested throughout the whole learning journey.

With that, we hope we managed to answer your question as to why coding is actually good for your kids.