When Should Liability Waiver Be Signed?

liability waiver
Credit: volunteerhub.com

There are several situations in which a company may ask a client to sign a liability waiver form. The Liability waiver form provides for the firm to avoid any liability for a client’s possible injury or damage while using the company’s services or products.

Liability waiver is a standard procedure at sporting programs and contests, ski resorts, outdoor activity playgrounds, and others. Before signing the waiver, the client must carefully study all the clauses and conditions to have an idea of why the company wants a signature on the document.

When is it necessary to sign a liability waiver?

Release of liability form must be signed if it is one of the conditions of admission to the event. Some organizations will not admit a participant if he has not signed a disclaimer. This situation leads to a subsequent personal choice: sign the waiver and practice or not sign the document and be ineligible.

When signing the waiver form, always study it before signing. Review the contract provisions, hypothetical risks, and leave the signature only when you are consciously willing to take the risk. Before signing a disclaimer, it is important to understand its purpose, i.e., what rights the client will have to give up in case of injury or damage. So, it is recommended that you sign the waiver only if you agree with every one of its provisions.

Make sure there is a general waiver clause in the document offered by the company: “Release the organization from liability for damages.” The release may also state that the customer “agrees to secure the company”. In that case, the client’s signature will mean that he can’t bring a lawsuit against the company for his injuries. Certain wording on the waiver form may state that the client can only go to a specific court. Such a provision is necessary to protect the company from having to travel to the other side of the country for the lawsuit.

Waiver of liability may contain clauses that effectively compel the client to resolve hypothetical injuries. An arbitration form of dispute resolution is used, meaning that instead of a state court, all litigation will take place in private firms. Some companies may try to force the client to sign an agreement to arbitrate a dispute.

However, it is important to remember that the disclaimer document has no legal effect without the client’s signature. The signature is valid even on a digital format of the document. It is necessary to leave your electronic signature for this purpose. You can generate an electronic signature with the help of special resources. For example, waiver software PandaWaiver allows you to get a free individual signature, which will be kept by the owner in a convenient format.

Why sign a waiver of liability

In general, there are two main reasons that can make a company care about having a liability waiver. The first reason is the need for written documented proof that the company warned the customer about hypothetical risks and possible injuries. The second reason is simple – the desire to absolve the company of liability for injuries and damages resulting from ordinary negligence.

Release from liability template is a legal document, but most clients do not take the time to study the waiver of liability clauses in detail. In turn, this can lead to unfortunate consequences when an injury occurs, because the client who signed the form has personally waived all of his rights when he is injured.

One of the main reasons to read the liability release document carefully is to understand the potential risks that exist in a particular area of the business. If specific risks are spelled out in the document, there is a good chance of encountering them. By reading all the points, the client knows what to expect and can prepare better for the process to avoid injury.

All of the information provided is important and necessary because it relieves the company of any liability for harm caused to the client. The waiver must be spelled out clearly, unambiguously, and explicitly. It cannot be written in small print, with faded ink, or on the back of a sheet of paper in an ambiguous form. Otherwise, this form of waiver will not be valid in court proceedings.