What Is Spectroscopy, And How Is It Used In Everyday Life?

Photo by David Brooke Martin on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered why you see the rainbow, or what the rainbow really is? We all know that a rainbow appears when sunlight hits the rain drops or when there’s a fog, or any water body that may splash some droplets around. This still doesn’t explain what it is. A rainbow is the bending and reflection of light that changes the wavelength. This is the simplest representation of spectroscopy.

Spectroscopy is a scientific term that helps scientists determine numerous characteristics of matter. To understand the concept further and learn how we use it in our everyday life, we decided to explain it here in this article. Read on to learn more about what the term is in a simple, yet thorough, way and let us surprise you by how much you use it when you had no idea you did.

The Simple Definition of Spectroscopy

Simply put, it is the study of how light reveals the characteristics of matter. This light and its color reveal the energy any object absorbs, produces or gives away. Understanding this has helped scientists unravel so much about different matter and understand how significant they can be. The word is a mixture between two terms; Spectre, which means spirits, and Skopein, which is a word meaning to observe. Since the electromagnetic waves and light energy absorbed and emitted by different objects is not tangible, it’s more like roaming spirits which are extremely powerful and affect us in more ways than we can understand. To connect the dots, studying these intangible energies reveal more about the world than our limited vision can reach.

Using Spectroscopy in Astronomy

As we previously mentioned, scientists use this measurement to understand different objects and their behavior, as well as find out how useful they can be in several branches of science. According to spectroscopy by PASCO, one of the most significant uses of the study is to reveal more about space and the planets. Astrologists and astronomers have discovered so much about planets, meteors, stars, and many other things in space, as well as their relation to our planet through using spectroscopy learning more about outer space helps analysts discover how it affects Earth and our lives.

Its Benefits in Medicine

X Rays, gamma rays, and infrared rays are all light waves that we are not able to see, but using them helps unravel many mysteries about the human body. For example, gamma rays are used to do MRI scans to get an image of the brain and check its activity. MRI scans help doctors treat many patients after they have studied and understood their condition through the scan result. X Rays are crucial to reveal any broken bones, abnormalities in bone structure, and anything else about bone structure. The study has also helped enhance numerous medicines to improve their effect to treat diseases.

Helps Clear Water

Since spectroscopy helps reveal almost everything about the aspects of any matter, it can definitely lead to analyzing everything inside the water we either drink or use. Water companies need to examine the components of water to make sure the water you drink is healthy and if anything needs to be added to make it safe to drink. Finding out what needs to be added to give you the best quality water is crucial for a great, healthy water to drink. It is also one of the easiest, and cheapest, methods to obtain pure water.

Revealing Whether Aliens Exist

Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

This is not exactly the case, but spectroscopy can help scientists find clues to show whether there is life on Mars, or any other planet. The world is a gigantic place, who said the only living creatures live on Earth? There’s so much to learn about the world, and so much to discover about the planets, galaxies, and everything about life in general. Maybe in the future, science will discover many unknown species, some which possibly, have been around for many more years than us

Every scientific discovery has an effect on our lives that we may be taking for granted. All the technological breakthroughs and theories about life that have been confirmed did not exist many years ago. Even though many scientific concepts can sound extremely complicated at first, eventually we find ourselves grasping the concept. Spectroscopy is no different. Many of the discoveries we seem to dismiss have left people in awe are explained thanks to spectroscopy. Never underestimate concepts and studies that seem like they’re old news, because a little while ago, they were fascinating theories that people found difficult to believe.