Voice2v Is a Game-Changer for Online Content Creators, and Here Is Why?

Image source: Digital Marketing Institute

Online content creations is a balanced game of volume and quality. The more extensive high-quality content you upload, the better your reach, the higher the engagements. The most crucial factor here is the content.

The game of online content has taken a long route to reach where it is today. The online user wants to consume only the best form of content. Low attention spans and abundance of options mean that each creator is fighting for a small slice of the attention-cake.

In such a time, the consumption and creations of video content have sky-rocketed. Video today has become the go-to source of entertainment and information. Be it a website, or a social media page, videos of all lengths make a massive impact.

The Video Takeover

We live in a time where 85 percent of all internet users in the USA watch at least one video a day on their devices. Users tend to move past written text and poorly designed posters and halt at video posts more often on social media.

Even marketers around the world have embraced this form of online content. Over 88% of all video marketers have announced that an investment in video content has helped them generate higher leads and enhance the following.

With the widespread use of videos worldwide, Voice2v is one of the sharpest tools in the kit. Here is how.

How Does It Voice2v?

We have all heard of extracting the audio out of a video file, but with the rising need for online video content, we might also want to drive down the other way. Voive2v is a unique tool that lets you turn your audio files into video.

When you upload an audio file on this platform, it uses creative animations and videos to turn your dull audio into an eye-catchy video. The interface is simple and easy to understand.

They provide you with an upload section where one can place an audio file. Once the file is processed, you select your own background video or pick a pre-loaded video into the platform.

In almost no time, the software blends these two and lets you download a video file with this audio. You can also add your logo to this video to highlight your brand’s image and grab more eyeballs.

How Does This Help Content-Creators?

With the rise in video consumption, those making audio-online or audio-dependent content fall behind in the race. Since most social media platforms do not allow audio uploads, these video conversions are an excellent loophole.

The platform provides a mid-quality render, so it does not make it too hard to upload to social media or other online platforms. Since the app is free, the creator does not need to pay for a tool or an editor.

Voice2v has also gone as far as letting you create an account without asking for your credit card number. The application is genuinely for the creators.

Voice2v is also easy to use and simple to learn for newbies. Unlike learning video editing, Voice2v gets rid of all the hassles and comes straight to the points. They also have a whole bank of pre-installed videos, free to use, cutting the time of editing to a few minutes.

If users have an animation of the brand or a small video — they can also use their one video. This means the same video or animated file can be replaced with a new track each week to generate high-quality videos.

Apart from the ease of use interface, the app also allows you to share your files directly on social media. So you do not need to waste time downloading and exporting them. They are also tailor-made to fit all platforms only.

What Creators Can Use These?

Radio Brands

Radio brands have many small segments or bites that would benefit them on social media or their website. Use this tool; the audio can be converted to video and posted daily. The ability to use your logo also gives a personalized touch and a professional finish to the video.


Podcasting is a rising phenomenon around the world. As they are mostly audio files, they find a tiny niche on the internet. However, the lack of reach should not come in the way of unique content.

Podcast hosts can upload snippets of their show on Voice2v and generate videos of them. This video can be shared on social media to bring a lager following to your podcast-show.


When was the last time you discovered a song without a music video? This is an infrequent case situation to encounter. This lack of video should not hamper the chances of an excellent musical to reach more people.

This video tool lets you add a video of your choice, so if you have a montage video of your band’s shows, it can be linked to the music and turned into a perfect youtube or Instagram video.


Journalists and interviewers often rely on audio recordings to gather facts and information. This is because recording videos are time-consuming and costly. Great audio needs minimal efforts to document, do-able on the phone.

These conversations often hold a freshness that cannot resonate in written translations. In such a time, the video-converter will allow them to add value to their audio files.

Additionally, an interview with eminent personalities can be turned into video files, making it easier to use in a presentation, live events, or circulate to the team.

Final Thoughts,

Apart from content-creators, even the typical office-goer can use Voice2V to their advantage. Video conversions of a seminar or an explanation recording are helpful to post on office presentations.

This unique product is unquestionably a game-changer to the digital world. Turning audio to video will better engage the viewer and provide a new life to a forgotten audio-file.

No one imagined the world moving on from cassettes to CDs, and then from CDs to streaming. The audio industry has seen a long route of make-overs. The next revolution is the video-dominant takeover. And Voice2v will be an effective tool to promote this change.