Top-Best Free VR (Virtual Reality) Applications For 2020

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

In the era of technology, Virtual Reality games are becoming the future of entertainment. People love to play these types of games because they are very much entertaining and full of enjoyment. There are so many different types of Virtual Reality that are free and are rated to be the best. Are you interested in playing these types of games? If yes, then you can easily download them on your smartphones. If finding for these such applications then this article will help you out in knowing about all the different types of VR that you can play out in your free time. Have a look if you want to have the list of free vr apps.

  1. Virtual Speech-

If you are new to public speaking or looking for an event preparation then virtual speech is one of the great tools that can help you in calming down. This is the best free VR apps that place you in front of the virtual crowd all further allows you to prepare for your presentation. Moreover, the customized controls help you down in increasing the movements and manners of the virtual crowd. In simple words, he will stimulate a distracting environment as well in which you can practice. Therefore, when you get finished this free apps for vr will give you scores as well based on your verbal and non-verbal communication.

  1. Jaunt-

This is again one of the best free Samsung VR apps that you can use, simply put on the headset. After that, the application will transport you to such an environment where you can easily choose different types of virtual reality experiences. Jaunt VR gives your hours of enjoyment with different types of environments. Therefore, we would definitely love to recommend you this down if you want a virtual reality apps for android free experience.

  1. In Cell-

This best free virtual reality apps, in the cell, is something that gives you a fantastic voyage experience, with a car racing game in virtual reality. It recreates the human cells and allows the host to enter down through it entirely. Further making the person learn about the inner of the cell, how cells fight from viruses, and many more other things. Just try it once and let us know if you liked it or not.

  1. Within-

This a VR pro apps for creators as it helps you in knowing about the vivid locations with various sounds. All the content in this VR application sets the imaginative world in front of you through documentaries and current events. You can view each and everything through the mobile headset, premium headset, or without headset as well. Just go and try this best free gear VR apps once.

  1. Full Dive-

From the name itself, it is very much clear that this is a virtual reality free apps that is related to diving. This is one of the best platforms where you can easily view down the full diving videos that too in 360 degrees. This is one of the neatly packaged applications for mobile users, go and try it out and then only comment on this best free android vr apps.

  1. Google Arts and Culture-

These are top free VR apps that take on a heritage visit. In simple words, this application helps you in visiting heritage sites, museums, monuments, etc. One of the best things about this application is that it is very much compatible with Google Cardboard and there are hundreds of locations for you to visit. So, if you want to have real-time knowledge go and use this application out. We are very much sure that this one VR apps free is going to help you out in all the ways.

  1. Cardboard Camera-

Don’t get confused with Cardboard Camera and Google Cardboard, they both are two different types of things. As the name itself suggests this is an application that will allow you to have 360 degrees look of the pictures on your androids and iOS. The application is very much easy to use and the best thing is that you don’t have to create any Google account to use it. Just go and use Samsung VR apps free, it will definitely worth your experience afterward.

  1. Discovery VR-

No list of free adult VR apps will cover if we left out this Discovery VR application. This is an official application from the Discovery channel and it is available for both android as well as iOS. Unfortunately, you cannot watch all the discovery contents but there are lots of content that you can watch out on this application. This is an application that offers you a range of videos in different types of environments further allowing users to explore more and more. Try these top virtual reality apps out and let us know.

Therefore, these are some of the best free VR apps for android that can be used by you for having good experience in your free time. If you are having any queries or want to know about some other free VR apps for android or free VR apps download also then mention us in the comment below.