Time Business News: A New Era In Publishing Posts And Articles


Time Business News TBN is an American news aggregator, online publishing platform, launched in February 2016 and owned by 4D Business Consulting Group 4DBC.net which founded by Dr.Kayyali.

Time Business News TBN is an example of community journalism, having a hybrid collection of amateur and professional people and publications, or exclusive blogs or publishers on Time Business News TBN and is regularly regarded as a blog host. Time Business News TBN is offering annual printed edition.


Time Business News TBN does not publish official user stats on its website. According to US blogs, the platform had about 1 million monthly visitors in 2019. Authors or contributors can create account for FREE for limited time offer before they switched to subscription plan in 2021.


Time Business News TBN platform software provides a full WYSIWYG user interface when editing online, with various options for formatting provided as the user edits over rich text format.

Once an entry is posted, it can be recommended and shared by other people, in a similar manner to twitter. Posts can be up-voted in a similar manner to Reddit, and content can be assigned a specific category, in the same way as Tumblr.

Time Business News Radio

In August 2017, Time Business News released a 24/7 Radio station which broadcast online gathering thousands of listeners cross the world, the Radio is a combination of business programs, useful lectures, business tips and tricks and very exciting music. If you are running a business, you can promote your business by sending sample promo voice about your business or your interview session to be broadcasted in the radio with affordable budget.

DNBC TV Business Channel

In January 2020, Time Business News TBN, will release its LIVE streaming (HD & 4K) DNBC.TV Business Channel online broadcasting 24/7. The channel is about business programs, industries overviews, market watch and much more. The DNBC.TV Channel will allow business owners and experts to send their interviews and commercial ads to DNBC.TV for broadcasting. Expected viewers of DNBC TV will exceed 3 million views annually.