The What And Why Of MEAN Stack Mobile Application Development

Mobile Application Development
Photo by Fahim Muntashir on Unsplash

If you are planning to develop a mobile application, and considering the benefits of hybrid mobile application development as an approach, you have probably come across the MEAN Stack framework as a development option. In this article, we discuss the what and why of MEAN Stack and how it can help your business achieve its goals for a usable, affordable, dependable, user-friendly mobile application.

The What

MEAN Stack as a development environment that combines four components: Mongo, Express JS, Angular and Node. MEAN is particularly suitable for complicated projects and projects that require scalable architecture.

Experienced MEAN Stack developers use the Angular JS and MEAN Stack tools to create scalable, high-performance app that are suitable for desktops, tablets, smart phones and smart watches. MEAN Stack is well suited for cross-platform, hybrid approaches to mobile application development.

Let’s examine the four components of the MEAN environment, so you can understand what MEAN does and how it can support your software development project.

Mongo DB

This component is a NoSQL, scalable, flexible database. This distributed, document based database is designed for modern application development and to accommodate a Cloud project. It allows businesses to filter and sort by fields (even those that are nested within a document). Mongo DB provides support for aggregation and geo-based, text and graph searches.

Express JS

This component enables large scale web and mobile apps using micro services architecture. Express is a flexible Node.JS web application framework that supports web and mobile apps. Express JS is open-source and easily accessible with a library of plug-ins. It functions as the back-end of MEAN Stack, working with Mongo DB and JavaScript front-end.

Angular JS

This component is a rich framework with powerful tools for cross-platform app development. The Angular JS open-source front-end web framework uses JavaScript development and is the front-end of the MEAN stack framework. This component simplifies development and testing using client-side Model View Controller (MVC) and Model View ViewModel (MVVM) architectures.

Node JS

This component is open-source and it streamlines server-side scripting for fast, scalable processing. This is a cross-platform, back-end runtime environment executing JavaScript outside a web browser environment, so developers can run JavaScript everywhere. Node.js is supports scalable network apps.

The Why

Why should your business choose MEAN Stack for your cross-platform development? Let’s look at a few reasons here:

  • MEAN Stack app development tools create a solid foundation using uniform language to ensure easy code maintenance and seamless operation.
  • MEAN Stack is built to leverage JavaScript, with a free, open-source toolkit. This approach lowers the cost of development.
  • MEAN Stack development costs are mitigated by the abundance of skilled JavaScript developers. so costs can be controlled.
  • MEAN stack requires a small footprint and decreases overhead.
  • MEAN Stack allows developers to create and easily maintain and upgrade simple, intuitive, open-source solutions.
  • MEAN Stack supports rich and robust application development that will satisfy the most complex hybrid mobile application needs.
  • MEAN Stack provides support for Cloud solutions, and for rapid application development.
  • MEAN Stack is suitable for cross-platform database management, hybrid mobile application development, and web application development
  • MEAN Stack provides a server framework and management and support for front-end and back-end.
  • MEAN Stack allows the business to achieve its goals quickly, plan for future needs and expand market share and competitive advantage.

If your business is planning to create a cross-platform, hybrid mobile application, the MEAN Stack development environment is suitable for even the most complex projects. A trusted IT consulting partner can help you leverage the possibilities inherent in the MEAN Stack framework. For more information visit our Blog.