The Reasons Why Absence Management Is Useful

according to Teamsense
Photo by Alex Kotliarskyi on Unsplash

Absence management is the process of managing employees’ absences and absence-related issues such as work schedule adjustments, call-ins (i.e., temporary replacements), employee accommodations, etc. It has been found that companies may lose up to 30% of their productivity due to absenteeism alone. This means that an organization with 100 employees could potentially lose 30 days worth of production per year because some workers are absent from work for reasons such as illness or vacation time.

The way we treat our employees when they’re out sick can have a direct impact on how often they come into the office – either at all or just for a few hours each day – if at all. If they feel like management is supportive and helpful, then the potential for them to get back on their feet more quickly is increased. This can be further bolstered by a clear absence management policy set by upper supervisors/managers. See reasons why absence management is useful.

Improve the Well-being of Employees

A key strategy of any business is to take care of its workforce. In absence management, the staff members are given time off for their illnesses and injuries, as well as mental health issues. And according to Teamsense, you can support your team with a mobile portal. It has been proven that allowing employees to have a break from the workplace can actually improve their work productivity because they return refreshed and rejuvenated after handling personal issues in the past.

There is a possibility that in absence management, employees can schedule their time off in advance, and it will be noted by managers and administrators. It is essential for businesses to strengthen their relationships with employees because these connections ensure that workers are more productive in the workplace.

Make Life easier For your HR Team

Absence management makes the everyday lives of your HR team much easier. It allows them to monitor any changes in your workforce and how it’s affecting productivity, attendance, and presenteeism within a company. Absence management software will give your HR team a better idea of what’s causing employees to miss work, and it allows them to analyze the data to find ways to improve productivity. Monitoring attendance is a common trend amongst companies today.

Without absence management, you may lose the chance to make the most out of your business opportunities thanks to high staff turnover, which means that your employees are leaving their jobs frequently. As you lose these valuable workers, it can be hard to find replacements who understand the company culture and fit in well with the expectations of the job role. With a written absence policy in place, you can manage any absences from minor illness to long-term sickness in a consistent manner, helping to protect your business.

Lower Employee Absenteeism

Employee absence is often at the heart of many HR problems, so it’s important to have an attendance policy in place. Absence management can help you reduce levels of absenteeism by encouraging employees to maintain good attendance. An absence management policy will help you to take appropriate action when employees are absent without cause. You can also encourage employees to let you know before they’re absent. There are a number of benefits linked to reduced absenteeism, including lower costs, increased productivity, and improved staff retention.

Creating Your Absence Management Policy

Another reason why absence management is important is due to the fact that it can be used as a tool to help you create your own company policy. An absence management policy will lay out the different ways in which an employee can be absent from work. It should also state how long employees are allowed to be off sick, or what you consider to be too many absences. It is important to have a policy in place so that employees are aware of the company rules regarding time off.

However, you must ensure your absence management policy is fair, or it can result in an unfair dismissal claim. An absence management policy should be reviewed on a regular basis to make sure it reflects the changing business needs. This will help you to keep track of the different types of absences and the number of days each employee has been absent. Your policy should include any disciplinary procedures that may occur as a result of certain types of absence.

Encouraging a Healthy Workplace

Employee stress is the leading cause of absenteeism in most workplaces.  The time away is real, even though it may not seem that way to employers, since they are losing money without the employee. Employees who are absent often are very costly to companies, even more so if their absences are due to chronic illness. Because of this, some businesses implement absence management programs for employees.

according to Teamsense
Photo by Arlington Research on Unsplash

These programs can include providing assistance with sick leave or implementing hospital plans. They also provide employees access to health care providers, life managers, and counselors. These programs can help reduce employee absence by creating a healthier work environment.

The benefits of implementing proper absence management practices should be clear. They’ll help your company run more efficiently with greater productivity, while simultaneously saving money in both short-term and long-term costs.