While military-grade computers and computer accessories were primarily used by the armed forces in the past, as the general population is realizing the benefits of these durable electronics, they are being adopted by people in more industries. Today, individuals and businesses from the retail industry, medical industry, construction sector, and many other areas are all making use of rugged computers. Whether that means having a completely ruggedized laptop or a military-grade rack-mounted system, these solutions are making lives easier and more efficient. Moreover, businesses that invest in these systems, present a higher return on their investment with lower risks of damage.
Of all the various components of a computer, the most sensitive is the display. As a large component that is constantly exposed to the elements, in the case of a fall or collision there is a high chance of damaging this component. Moreover, it’s often very difficult to replace or repair a screen, whether on a mobile, a laptop, or even a standalone monitor. If you are a business looking to make the most of a computer system that you are running 24 hours a day, or if you are a nomadic freelancer who would like to have one less thing to worry about, a ruggedized computer is a way to go.
If you already have a regular desktop computer installed for yourself or your business, then read on to find out why adding on a rugged monitor will definitely be a smart upgrade.
1. Installation
In many situations, having a monitor on a table simply isn’t an option, or at least isn’t a very efficient solution. The mount that comes with the monitor is usually designed to work on a flat surface, whereas you might want the monitor to be mounted differently to improve workflow or free up tablespace – or, you might not even have a table to work with. Rugged LCD monitors are designed with this problem in mind, and most come with VESA compatibility. This means you can use a variety of different mounts with your monitor. Whether you need the monitor on the wall or you want it mounted side by side with another monitor, you can do this with your rugged LCD.
2. Durability
One of the biggest challenges with using computers in a turbulent environment is durability. Even in relatively calm environments like a grocery store, the fact that the monitor is being used continuously for several hours a day can drastically risk the durability of the device. While traditional monitors might be a little cheaper to buy, a rugged military display system will be a higher initial investment but will work out to be much cheaper in the long run. Through its more sturdy construction and the fact that it is designed to withstand impacts and long hours of continuous use, there is a much lower chance of it breaking down. Especially for a business, a breakdown with the monitor not only means that they need to spend more money in buying a new screen, but it also costs them downtime when the workflow is disrupted.
3. Flexibility

Especially after the pandemic of 2019, a lot of businesses today can no longer operate in confined spaces. Even freelancers who relied on co-working spaces to be their offices are having to look at other options where they can be in an open area. While using your computer in natural light can have its benefits, if your screen isn’t designed for this task it can actually be harmful to your monitor to be operating under direct sunlight, and it can reduce the longevity of the device. Ruggedized monitors are designed to operate both indoors and outdoors, and the screen itself emits less harmful blue light. Moreover, as it gives you more control over the finer settings of the screen, you can optimize it for both the health of your eyes and the environment that you are working in.
Gone are the days when rugged PCs and ruggedized monitors were basic devices that only offered a fraction of the performance and functionality that consumer-oriented models did. Today you can get everything from ultra-high definition to multi-input display solutions in the rugged monitor category. When compared to equivalent models designed for the home user, you would be hard-pressed to find any differences in performance. Moreover, rugged monitor manufacturers realize the appeal these devices have even for the average consumer, and today you can get them at far more affordable rates. If you are looking to improve the performance of your business or simply make your life easier as a digital entrepreneur, then rugged monitors are definitely an option worth looking at.