The Importance of Tech in Customer Service

Image source: Pexels

With around 84% of businesses owning a website, retailers and service providers are continuously choosing to migrate to online spaces to access their consumers. With that, there are certain things to be considered in order to ensure your customer gets equal satisfaction from visiting your website as they would visiting your store.

In a shop, it is possible to directly speak to customers and monitor footfall, whereas the shift to the online space alters this ability. However, there are a host of online platforms that make each of these two things possible online. Let’s take a look at them.

Customer service

Before making a purchase, a customer goes through a decision-making process, where they consider the brand and the product to see whether it matches up to their requirements. Often, simply looking at a product doesn’t cut it. That’s where the importance of customer service comes in.

By speaking to an expert in the industry, a customer is able to gain insight into and receive advice about the product they are considering buying. It also allows the customer to ask questions if they are unclear about the information they are presented with.

When providing your product or service online, customer service can still be fully accessible. Via online chat services like Zendesk and FreshDesk, a customer can visit your website and directly speak to a customer service agent. That way, their questions aren’t left unanswered and they’ll more than likely feel informed about what you have to offer. Your business could also consider call center outsourcing in the Philippines that caters a 24/7 customer support.

Image source: Pexels

Managing web traffic and performance

In a physical store, it’s easy to track footfall, more often than not through a clicker device that is used by a member of staff standing at the door. This is useful for businesses as it allows them to understand how many people take an interest in their store, at what time and on what day, allowing a business to devise consumer patterns. It also makes it easier to manage customers in-store by knowing how many are currently visiting, making it a seamless process when catering to your customer’s needs.

This is just as important online and can be done through software that can analyze network traffic. By investing in this type of software, you’re able to collect data such as where people are accessing your website, from what device, and at what time. This enables a business to reduce the possibility of error in your website, as well as help the user troubleshoot. For example, if too many people are on your network at one given time, your website might crash. But having this software available means you are at less risk of damaging customer interest in your site.

As demonstrated, it is clear that businesses can perform well and develop consumer relationships via an online space with quality customer service. What is also clear is the importance of monitoring visits to your website as closely as you would monitor in-store visits, which is easy when there are a host of platforms that allow you to do this.