The Benefits Of Digitisation On Untapped Industries

Credit: Digital Marketing Institute

For many industries, the digital transformation seemed too complex of a task to incorporate in various work models. However, Covid19 brought everything crumbling to a halt, and embracing technology became more of a necessity especially for the untapped industries. The year 2020 saw different industries all over the world making the best use of digital channels such as social media platforms, websites, and emails, SEOs to push their products or services to their consumers. Who would ever envision museums and cultural centres organising digital tours to their clients who were homebound due to the pandemic?

SECTORS INVOLVED. Industries have made the most of digitisation from manufacturing, media, retail, financial, communications, and transport just to name a few. The construction sector has probably been less affected than others by the pandemic crisis.

Nonetheless, a form of digitization was also necessary for this sector, so as to be able to reach a wider and – potentially – global audience.

Leading companies in the sector, such as, an Italian marketplace for the used drilling equipment, have become more efficient by increasingly seeking a form of digitization, from business processes to marketing.

This naturally opens the way not only to an improvement in conditions on the construction site but also and above all in terms of the outreach of new possible customers, which has helped the sector to navigate in this period of crisis.

THE AIMS. As companies transition gradually to digitisation, it’s paramount that the old model of work meshes up with the new and upcoming work models. This is due to the fact that digital transformation can only be as effective as technology allows it to be. Businesses need to understand their operations and how technology impacts them. All processes ought to be reviewed ahead of time to prevent issues from occurring down the road. While various industries leverage their technology differently, below are some benefits that come from the digitisation of industries;

REDUCED COSTS. Optimising operations of a business around digital technology helps to minimise expenses by streamlining workflows and eliminating overheads associated with outdated solutions. Moreover, digital marketing costs less yet pays more particularly for the modern consumer who wants to find all the information about a particular industry at the click of a finger.

TRANSFORM CONSUMER’S EXPERIENCE AND RETENTION. The main concern of digitisation is to improve the customer experience. This is done by ensuring that the focus is sorely on the customer and making sure service is top-notch across all touchpoints of the operations. Technology has created avenues where industries can generate leads through advertisement which they can turn into sales for their companies.

NEW PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. Now more than ever, digitisation has helped in the production of new products and services that were previously unattainable. Industries are now better equipped to adapt and offer consumers products that are practical. New technology has enabled businesses to discover more adaptive and supple work models based on customer wants. Beyond optimising processes and procedures, digital transformation enables more effective and quick decisions making

based on accurate real-time data.

ANALYTICS. Digitisation gives industries the ability to tabulate data from all customers. This data is then interpreted to viable information that companies can use to optimise consumer experiences and expenses. New technologies improve the quality of products by incorporating new work models into production systems that improve the outcome. This gives a company a competitive edge from other industry players.