Tech Troubles: 5 Common IT Problems Small Businesses Face

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You can’t get away from tech in business today. Most companies expect to see a 44% increase in tech spending in 2020. You need to keep up if you want to compete.

You need to be prepared for the worst when managing the tech for your business. Below are five common IT problems that you need to prepare for.

  1. Unprotected Data

You’re only as strong as your weakest link in business. Unfortunately, your team is the most likely problem when it comes to protecting your sensitive business information.

Make sure your employees only have access to the information they need to do their jobs. If someone ends up compromised, your risk is limited to the files they can see.

  1. Technology Compliance

You can’t put together a makeshift IT infrastructure today and call it a day. There are legal requirements you need to adhere to if you want to follow the rules. If you get hit with an audit, and they find problems, you can face severe fines.

You’ll need to learn about the compliance rules of your industry and make sure your technology helps you comply with them. It might be necessary for you to work with an IT professional to audit your system and bring you up to code.

  1. Computer Malware

While the internet provides many options for your business, it does come with risks. One of the most significant information technology issue you will face is accidentally downloading malware onto your computers.

Malware is malicious software that disguises itself as something you would typically download. It can steal information, log your keystrokes, and monitor your online activity. You’ll need anti-malware software to scan for this software and remove it from your computers.

  1. Missing or Corrupt Files

Businesses today rely on data more than ever. If you don’t use the most up to date information to make decisions, you risk making decisions in the dark. Unfortunately, your data can go missing.

You need to create a backup solution to protect yourself from this happening. Modern backup systems save your critical information in the cloud. If something goes missing, you can log into your backup portal and restore your files with a few clicks.

  1. Unable to Access Documents

The typical way to set up file sharing in an office is to set up a central file server. Your server sits in the office, and every workstation there can access the files shared to them. With remote working becoming more common, this solution won’t work anymore.

Migrating to Office 365 or Google Drive will provide your team access to your company documents from anywhere. Not only is it secure, but it also allows your team to edit documents at the same time. You’ll make remote collaboration a breeze for everyone.

Don’t Ignore the Common IT Problems Businesses Face

It takes a lot of work to manage the IT infrastructure for your business correctly. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the common IT problems you’ll face. The more you know now, the easier it will be to solve these problems in the future.

If you want to learn more about the tech you can use in business, head back to our blog Hotelling software. Our latest posts will help you learn what you need to know.