Tech Is Changing How Board Games Are Played – Here’s How

anagramme scrabble
Photo by Maria Lin Kim on Unsplash

Change is the only constant in life. One cannot expect to live without undergoing significant transformations throughout the years. While this may be related to painful and sometimes even scary moments, change is, in fact, a good and healthy phenomenon. Strangely enough, we are not the only ones who suffer transformations. The logic applies to systems, beliefs, art, and even board games! In this last case, the change is related to the rise of technological advancement. Here we’ll show you how this happens.

From Physical to Digital

The most obvious example in which board games are changing is their conversion from tangible objects to a computerized format. Dices, cards, tiles, miniatures, pawns, chits, and even the table game itself; are all conveniently programmed within an app or video game. Think about it. The limitations regarding space that a physical format presents are gone. Carry the whole set in your pocket, and forget about missing pieces.

Of course, digitalization deprives us of the joy of touching, rolling the dice, and moving the pawns throughout the table. Also, smartphone screens are not nearly as big as the real table games. One way or another, digital board games are still an opportune approach to the same experience.

Just Another Component

Technology won’t necessarily replace board games on the whole. It is a fact that both can co-exist together and make for an overall more interesting experience. In other words, an app or a website can work as an add-on for the physical format. You could replace real dice with digital ones for Dungeons & Dragons, or you could use anagramme scrabble to “cheat” on Scrabble. Possibilities are endless. Just use your imagination. You can combine elements that originally seem not to go hand in hand, and then create a newer experience with your own rules.

The Same Experience… but Online!

The core concept of board games is to share the playing experience. Therefore, it is not strange to find out how well board games and online gaming fit together. Again, to play an online version is to get rid of the pleasure of feeling the tangible cards and moving the miniatures all around the table. However, this idea falls flat when we consider the huge amount of people who are lonely and doesn’t have friends to share a board game moment. Also, long distances simply stop this from occurring.

anagramme scrabble
Photo by John Benitez on Unsplash

Luckily, online gaming gets rid of all these issues: Experience Monopoly with friends from different parts of the world. Find someone online who is willing to play Dominion with you. Get the whole gaming set without downloading a single program.

All in all, online gaming makes playing board games more accessible for those who lack either the board game itself or someone to play with.

Old-schooled players may struggle to accept this truth: the way we play board games has changed. Technology has long ago arrived and it is planning to stay. Nonetheless, one should focus more on the possibilities that this brings. If you can’t, then at least you will always have your physical format to enjoy with your family on a Sunday evening. Trust me, no one will take it away from you.