Planning To Develop An iOS App? Here Are Some Tips

Photo by Alexandru Acea on Unsplash

Advancements in technology have seeped into all areas of our lives and it comes as no surprise that 80% of internet users choose their smartphones as their main way of browsing the web and staying connected. With this statistic in mind, mobile applications, both IOS and Android are becoming more sophisticated than ever. The best part is that anyone can bring their app idea to life so long as they are willing to invest some time, money, and effort into their dream. The demand for new and innovative apps is continuously growing and so if you are thinking about developing an app then there is no time like there present.

Here are 7 tips to help you plan your IOS app development.

1.  Develop A Strong Idea

The first step in developing a successful IOS app is having a well-thought-out and strong idea. If your idea has been done a thousand times before then you need to figure out what makes your app unique and what will make your app stand out among the competition? If you are unsure of your app’s unique selling point then it is worth taking the time to work it out before trying to develop a vague idea. Your idea is the foundation of the development process so take your time to work out every inch of the idea and how it will work.

2.  Do Your Research

When it comes to something like this there is no such thing as too much research. While it is okay to learn things along the way, the last thing you want is to get halfway into your development stage just to learn that your idea has already been taken or that your idea is not feasible. There are a lot of different components that you need to spend time researching, for example, your idea, potential competitors, developers, marketing strategies, social media handles, and much more. Things such as social media handles may seem trivial but if you want your app to succeed, the name you give it needs to be consistent with all social media platforms. For instance, if it is called ‘Ruble’, then you would want to get the username ‘@Ruble’ and if it is not available then you might want to consider renaming your app or getting creative with alternative usernames.

3.  Use A Reliable Developer

Unless you happen to be a coding pro then you are unlikely to be writing the code yourself. So, you will need to find an ios application development company that you can trust. It might be tempting to use the cheapest developer you find but with that comes several risks and the best way to find a reputable developer is to check out customer testimonials and reviews. Take the time to see what previous clients are saying about their developers and don’t make the mistake of going for a company or individual who has regularly mediocre or poor reviews.

4.  Understand The Basics

To give yourself the best chance at developing a successful app you should consider undertaking a beginner’s coding course or something similar. If you have a basic understanding of how things work then you will be able to have conversations with developers and effectively communicate what you expect from them. There are plenty of online courses and resources available to you, so take the time to check out some courses and information that is relevant to you. So, if you want to build an IOS app specifically then there is no point in spending time learning about android coding languages and you are better off focusing your attention on languages such as Swift. Having a decent understanding of app basics will also help you find the right developer for you as you will be able to catch on if you suspect they are wasting your time or trying to rip you off.

Photo by Rami Al-zayat on Unsplash

5.  Test Again And Again

One of the most important elements of app development is testing and the importance of testing cannot be overstated. Testing is done to make sure you fine-tune the app and make sure that it is working to the best of its abilities. There will be bugs appearing here, there, and everywhere so it can be quite a time-consuming process but it must get done. Do not make the mistake of rushing through this process because if you release an app that does not work properly then you run the risk of losing your potential users. Aside from testing for bugs, it is also an important opportunity to test and assess things such as design, color scheme, and functionality. If you suddenly realize that a piece of text is written in a color that does not show up very well on a screen then that will be your opportunity to fix it.

6.  Listen To Feedback

Feedback is essential in app development as it gives you a chance to learn where and how you can improve your app. Getting feedback is a part of the testing stage but it can be extended beyond that and you can ask for feedback from friends, family, colleagues and even focus groups of random individuals from your intended target demographic. Listening to feedback and taking it on board will help you ensure your app reaches its full potential.

7.  Set A Realistic Budget

Something you should do at the beginning of your process is set yourself a realistic budget. Do not spend more than you can afford because once you start going down that rabbit hole it can be very difficult to get back out. You need to realize that an app is an investment and it will have its fair share of costs, but if you manage your money well and set out a realistic budget from the start then you will be in the best position to finance your app.

So, if you are planning to develop an IOS app then there is no better time than now to act upon your idea. Take these 7 tips into account and make your dream become a reality today.