Online Gambling Trends in 2021


One basic thing about life and everything attached to it is that there is constant change. And for major change to take place, a new trend must reign. A trend can either be positive or negative, but it is a powerful event. In online gambling, the mode of operation experiences a regular change in trends. This has been so from the early days of the internet. These trend changes have made online gambling a thriving and sustainable industry. Since the start of 2021, online gambling has witnessed tremendous changes influenced primarily by the aftereffect of the sudden pandemic outbreak.

As a result, the global market worth of the igaming industry recorded a skyrocketed figure in 2020. With the lockdown and travelling restriction, most gamers became online gambling platforms to play their various games, have fun and make some passive income. This goes without saying that online gambling revenue increased to an estimation of $1trillion in 2021. The result of this is a rapid spring up of thereby online gambling sites and new mobile casinos.

Technology has made a huge impact on online gambling and its trends. New features and software mean a more lifelike and user-friendly experience. The more advanced technology, the more benefits are attached to the industry and player at large.  Most of the 2021 trends in online gambling will bring about transformation and entire changes and beyond. However, some trends are very pertinent, which should be watched out for by players and the industry.

Trends that will bring a new phase to online gambling

  • Blockchain technology /cryptocurrencies payment
  • Increase in the number of gamblers
  • Unlimited access to gambling services
  • Legalization
  • Increase in responsible and social gambling services
  • Increase in the live dealer games
  • More online gambling platforms surfacing
  • High preference for online betting over land-based.

Blockchain technology/cryptocurrencies payment: Blockchain technology will bring about noble changes in the gaming industry, and online gambling will have a major share of this. Lots of online games that players can gamble on have been produced to operate on Blockchain technology. With this, they can verify results in a public ledger, thereby giving gamblers reliable, fair results on their games.

Part of the new dawn that Blockchain is bringing to online gambling is the cryptocurrencies payment channel. It has been incorporated into the online gambling platforms, and more operators will embark on this payment gateway. For instance, in the US, this mode of payment has been witnessing an astronomic growth among online punters. Most gamblers who use various cryptocurrencies find it as the most reliable and safe means. This is because it will keep their identity anonymous and gives them more security. Aside from the anonymity and security that it offers, it also ensures speedy payment, and it costs less.

Increase in the number of gamblers: ever since the pandemic outbreak, one of the major trends witnessed in online gambling is the high number of people who have turned to online gambling. The number of people who are using a smartphone will also contribute to the increase of online gamblers. As a result of the comfort and convenience of playing online games, most gamblers will result in online gambling. Thereby expanding the number of players that online gambling will witness as a new trend in 2021 and beyond.

Unlimited access to gambling services: as a result of the new phase that technology has brought into online gambling, there has been unlimited access to the various services that it provides. Residents of those countries that do not approve of online gambling will be able to gain anonymous access. With the help of cryptocurrencies, online gaming services will enter areas where gambling is not legally approved.

Legalization: dating back to some years, lots of countries do not approve of online gambling, but with the recent trends, countries like the US and New Zealand now approve online gambling. With this, online gambling is believed to even witness and have more legalization from other countries yet to endorse it.

Increase in responsible and social gambling services: online gambling is fully operational under well-regulated and strict legalisation. As a result, there is more social and responsible protection for players. This will help guide against some level of addiction in gambling and problems relating to mental health. In addition, online gambling setting a standard to that effect will increase social responsibility like age restriction and tools to limit gambling activities. This will help to shun some level of social vices that comes with gambling. Gamblers will gamble based on the set standard attached with online gambling.

Increase in the live dealer game: as players turn to online games, live dealer games are now gaining popularity. The reason for it is that players are looking for the real deal in gambling. With the dealer actively involved in the game being played online, it increases the interaction and attractiveness. This trend is more being focused on the igaming industry to increase the live dealer interaction.

More online gambling platforms surfacing: the increase and expansion that the online gambling platform is witnessing will add more to the number of online gambling platforms in existence in the year 2021 and beyond.

High preference for online betting over land-based: due to the lockdown and social distancing, the land-based casino has been facing a serious decline. Gamblers have resulted in using online gaming platforms and casinos to play their games. With this trend, all tend to continue like that has saved people the cost of getting to the land-based location to gamble on their games.

Final Thought

With the online gambling trend that has been witnessed, it is expected that there will be more strongholds of these trends, which will, in turn, bring more expansion to the gambling industry. The igaming industry itself is projected to have more growth of about 11% yearly from 2021. More games and more offers will also be made available for online players to take advantage of. This is based on more platforms that will be opened for operation, and to attract gamblers, there will be lots of good promotional offers that will be made available.