Ways That Will Help You Out In Identification Of Best Long-Tail Keywords

Image Source: Alexa Blog

Are you in the field of SEO? Looking for ways to pump up your website’s SEO? Trying to bring more traffic and increase your conversations? If right, then gives a close look at this article because it is going to be very informative and good for you as we are going to tell you about long-tail keywords. Have a look to know more and more in details:

What are long-tail keywords?

Long-tail keywords are basically low volume, hyper-focused keywords that people usually use for searching, especially when they are ready or are want to have concrete questions on any type of subject. Today, this concept of long tail refers to the length of the search query, but it is not where it originated from. This originally describes the part of the graph where these types of searches occupy when SEO experts graph out search queries. Ergo, short tail keywords are the keywords having higher volume search queries that spike at the head of the graph whereas the long-tail keywords are stretching out longer on the graph because there are many more of them.

Why is there a need to focus on long-tail keywords?

Focusing on long-tail keywords is very much important because of so many reasons. Therefore, the three reasons why there is a need to focus on long-tail keywords are mentioned below. Have a look to know about these three reasons.

  1. They are very much easier to rank for-

It is very much easier to rank for long-tail keywords because there are very fewer websites that compete for them. For example, a keyword like, “website builders” has more than 390 million results there on Google and this means that you’ll need to beat all of them. This is just for the sake of going to Rank No. 1. Therefore, the long-tail keywords like “website builders for eCommerce” is a much better option as you will need to outrank 8.1 million websites.

  1. They have high conversion rates-

People searching for long-tail keywords usually speak about the buying cycle than someone searching about topics very broadly. They search with more focus and intention for having retailers, reviews, and many more and further making the long-tail keywords convert more often.

  1. They bring more traffic-

People who use long-tail keywords are more likely to get traffic on their website easily. But the only thing that you will have to do is to spend more time and find in search results. Hence, this will help you to have more search traffic and decrease bounce rates.

How to identify long-tail keywords?

Now, you should be knowing that how a person can identify long-tail keywords. To know much more in details, have a look down below:

  1. Use Analytical-

First of all, you will have to fire up your favorite tool than look to the long-tail keywords that are bringing traffic to your website. After that stick to the ones that are related to the top five in the report that people are continuously searching for.

  1. Use Google Autocomplete-

This feature of Google is very much easy to find all the long-tail keywords as it uses actual words and phrases that people are searching for so long.

  1. Use “Searches related to List”-

At the bottom of the list, Google always displays search results related to the list. These are the ones that you guessed or the people searched for. Hence, each of them is long-tail keywords that can be used by you for bringing traffic to the website.

  1. Ask Answerthepublic-

This is one of the most fantastic keyword tools that can be used by the people for searching the keywords. Enter the short-tail keyword selected by you on the map and there you go. In simple words, it will automatically find the best keywords for you that are long-tailed. Try this out to bring more traffic to your page or website.

Therefore, this is how you can identify the best long-tailed keywords. If someone wants to have more detailed information about all this, then let us know in the comments below. Hence, stay connected to us for having more and more updates about the new technological tips, tricks, and many other things.