Instagram Updates: What Instagram Counts As A View On Its Videos?

Image source: TechJunkie

Instagram is one of the fastest growing social networking sites that is being used by people to interact with their friends, family, etc. Along with these people can enjoy so many other things like video calling, making of reels, stalking people, etc. on Instagram- social networking sites. But in recent times, Instagram users are interested in some other thing. They want to know about the factors behind the Instagram views counter because no one knows what counts as a view on Instagram videos on your page.

So, today we are going to talk about Instagram view counter, we will tell you everything about how do views work on Instagram when you post a video. Read on to this article, till the end if you want to have full information on how Instagram works when it comes to counting views on the Insta videos. Let’s discuss about views on Instagram videos:

What counts as a view on your Instagram video counter? Or what does views mean on Instagram?

What is a view on Instagram: On Instagram, if someone views your video more than 3 seconds then this means that the other person has given Instagram video view count down on your video. Furthermore, you will get a count for this that someone has watched your video. In simple words, this means that every time you see the list of people who viewed your video is those people who watched the video for more than 3 seconds.

As every one of you knows that Instagram gives more importance to user engagement than like and share. So, it would always consider your video when a person watching it out will see it for more than 3 seconds. This will further mean that the viewer was engaged in watching down your video. Therefore, Instagram will never count a view if someone watches your video for less than 3 seconds or for 1 second. Hence, is how does Instagram count video views and also mean that the people were not interested in watching down your video.

Now, the other question that comes to people’s minds is that how does Instagram views work when played without audio? Whether someone plays your video with audio or without audio you are definitely going to get a view. Hence, this same rule is applied to Instagram stories as well, if someone watches your story for more than 3 seconds then only you will get a view otherwise not.

Isn’t this great, how Instagram view count work? According to us, yes because we can easily stalk down the people without even hinting them that we are checking them out. But for this, we will have to view their story for less than 3 seconds. Hence this is how do Instagram views work?

Does Instagram count multiple views?

A lot of users strike with this question in their mind, whether Instagram video views count multiple views or not. The answer to this question is no, no the Instagram does not count multiple views. Viewing a story from one account, again and again, will be regarded as one view only.

Does viewing your own Instagram video counts as a view or not? Or Does Instagram count your own views?

It is very much simple but a valid question as well, let us clear this question about the view on Instagram. Whenever you post a video you watch it and watching it for more than 3 seconds will give your video your own view and this is how does Instagram count views of you as well. This is very much similar to post likes, whenever you like your own posted video, it will give you one like. But always remember that your view will be counted only if you watch the video for more than 3 seconds.

Hence, this is all that you should know about how to do views on Instagram work. To have some other information related to Instagram or what counts as a view on Instagram, let us know in the comments area.