Increased Remote Work Caused Spike in Application Attacks

Credit: Search Engine Journal

The past 18 months, during which the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic have been felt around the world, have been extremely challenging in all kinds of ways. One of the many secondary ways the effects of COVID were felt was through the challenges that accompanied remote working. Within a very short space of time, large numbers of workers who had previously been operating from offices were suddenly expected to be able to carry out their jobs remotely from their homes. While the transition worked surprisingly well, given its unprecedented nature, there were nonetheless challenges — and many of these came courtesy of cyber attackers.

The software remote workers relied upon depended on the job they were doing. However, regardless of industry, communication and collaboration web apps were used by virtually everyone. Unfortunately, while these tools have proven extremely beneficial for workers, they also represent a target for cyber attackers wanting to cause maximum disruption to those without the right website security.

A few of the common web app attacks

In the same way that businesses have pivoted as best, they can during the pandemic, so too have attackers. According to the 2021 Global Threat Intelligence Report (GTIR), web application and application-specific attacks represented 67% of all cyberattacks in 2020 as cyber criminals changed up their strategies. These attacks have more than doubled over the past couple of years.

Web applications are computer programs that run in a web browser, able to be used by any user who visits that particular site. They utilize a combination of server-side scripts like ASP and PHP, for storing and retrieving information, and client-side scripts in the form of HTML and JavaScript for presenting that information to the end user.

There are a number of common (and, sadly, getting more common) web application attacks. Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks are particularly common, allowing attackers to inject malicious code by exploiting a vulnerability. An XSS vulnerability can be used to get around access controls like the same-origin policy. It targets the users of the web application and can be used to steal private data or to allow for the impersonation of users so that their private accounts can be hacked.

Similar, but distinct, are SQL injection attacks. These attacks utilize malicious SQL code as a way to gain access to backend database information that should not be available. This can include private data, including information about users. SQL injection attacks could also be used to gain administrative rights to a database, which in turn can prove extremely damaging to its rightful owner.

DDoS, man-in-the-middle attacks, and beyond

Another increasingly common form of web app attack is a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. DDoS seeks to cause damage by knocking web apps offline by overwhelming them with fraudulent traffic. This can result in reputational damage and unwanted downtime. Typically, DDoS utilizes a botnet of malware-infected computers to direct enormous amounts of traffic at a website, driving it offline or slowing it down to the point where it is unusable to legitimate users.

Man-in-the-middle attacks have also become increasingly commonplace. In these attacks, a bad actor intercepts data as it’s being sent between two parties. The purpose is to steal information like login details, account information, and financial data like credit card numbers. These attacks are most commonly used for scenarios in which a website requires a person to log in.

Yet another web attack is referred to as Remote File Inclusion, in which attackers inject files from a remote web server into a web page. This can be utilized for data theft or other forms of manipulation by way of the execution of bad scripts or code.

One more attack is a Cross-site Request Forgery (XSRF) that involves links to suspicious websites being placed onto legitimate websites. These can be used to trigger browsers to carry out unwanted actions that might include unrequested transfers of funds, altered passwords, and more.

Choose the right tools to protect yourself

These are just a small selection of some of the more commonplace web application attacks that have gained momentum in recent years — and, in many cases, especially during the pandemic. Fortunately, there are solutions at hand that don’t involve abandoning web apps altogether. One of the most notable are Web Application Firewalls (WAF) which, as their names suggest, serve as a safeguard designed for web apps. WAFs are able to examine incoming traffic and, where necessary, block attempted attacks. Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) is also able to help assess potential inbound threats and halt them in their tracks.

Plenty of other website security tools are available — ranging from DDoS protection to tools for access management and API security.

With so many threats in existence, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to protect your web apps and the users who rely on them. However, whatever the web app, there are protective measures you can implement to help keep them safe. Investing in the right cybersecurity solutions is one of the smartest steps you can take.

While the pandemic may be starting to wind down in many parts of the world, the “new normal” of remote working and increased reliance on connected infrastructure is here to stay. In other words, there’s no better time to make sure you’re implementing the right protective measures.