How Website Ranking Can Make Or Break Your Business

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When you create a website, one of your main aims should be to increase its ranking. Most internet users find businesses and services by typing in relevant keywords on Google, Yahoo, or Bing. If your site isn’t ranked highly, then they won’t see it. It is fair to say then, website ranking can make or break your business.

The easiest way to increase your site’s ranking is to employ an SEO agency and pay them to optimise your site for you. Such services are affordable to work with and highly effective.

This post will explore website ranking in more detail, explaining why it is important.

Business Authority

When your site ranks highly, it appears more authoritative to consumers. It also makes your site seem a lot more authentic. Most internet users are completely unaware of SEO, and how it works. Really and truly, with an effective SEO strategy, any website can appear at the top of the SERP (search engine results page). You don’t actually have to be an authority or expert in your niche. Fortunately, though, internet users don’t know this. However, if you want to appear even more authoritative, then employ a content writer to produce articles for your website, exploring your industry and niche. When people find your site and see these articles, they will trust you even more. Appearing authoritative and authentic will help you to increase your sales.

More Discoverable

When you appear at the top of the search listings, your website is more discoverable. If you own a business, then the more discoverable you are, the better it is for your profits. This is especially true if your business is exclusively online and has no physical location. If you don’t appear at the top of the search listings then how will customers find out about you? No matter how effectively you market yourself on social media, or anywhere really if your site does not rank highly, then you will never attract large numbers of visitors.

Easing Concerns

At the moment, cybercrime is a big concern for a lot of people.  Fraud is more common than ever. When your website ranks highly, consumers are more likely to trust you. Ranking highly will ease any concerns that they have about your site not being genuine. If your business is new, then people are always going to be apprehensive about doing business with you. Another highly effective way of increasing your site’s authenticity and easing consumers’ concerns is to get reviews. If people leave positive reviews on your Google and Trust Pilot page, then consumers will be more willing to take a chance on you.

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Saving Money

Marketing isn’t cheap. Most businesses pay thousands for marketing. Using SEO, or search engine optimisation can help you to bring exposure to your site for next to nothing. The services that offer search engine optimisation are generally very affordable. While your site will definitely benefit from being marketed elsewhere, i.e., on social media or through PPC marketing, you can still save yourself a lot of money by focusing most of your efforts on optimising your site, so that it appears higher on the search listings. As mentioned earlier, most people search for businesses using keywords. If your business appears at the top of the search listings when specific searches are made, you will get more attention.

More Traffic

Getting more attention and appearing higher on the search listings means getting more traffic, too. When you get more traffic coming through your site, you will inevitably make more money. However, you do need to focus your efforts on converting leads into customers. A lot of businesses make the mistake of thinking that appearing at the top of the search listings is enough, but this is not at all the case. You also need to make sure that your site is optimised for lead conversion.

Website Performance

When your site is optimised to appear at the top of the search listings, it will also perform a lot better. Google and the other search engines won’t rank a poorly performing site highly. This means that when people do find your site, they will be met with a site that’s easy to use, fast, and performs very well. Also, your site will be accessible to mobile users, too. Again, major search engines won’t rank websites that aren’t optimised for mobile use highly. Good website performance is essential if you want to convert leads into customers.

Website ranking can make or break your business, for all of the reasons mentioned here. If you don’t rank highly, then nobody will take you seriously, and people won’t be able to find your site. The higher you rank, the better it is for your profits, and site traffic.