How To Write SEO Friendly Content To Optimize Your WordPress Website?

Photo by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash

There is a big difference between writing content and providing SEO optimized information to the readers. When you have the right keywords in the content, it will match with the maximum possible searches that people make.

 At times, websites have well researched information but it does not include the correct recommended keywords. As a result, they fail to match the search results that are produced. It is important to include the important phrases so that the content becomes SEO optimized.

Here are some major tips to produce SEO friendly content and get a high Google rank

  1. Do not produce plagiarized content

Producing copied content is the worst thing that any writer can do to his career. This is the reason why strict actions are taken against people who are involved in it. Once you are found guilty with the submission of copied content, there is simply no turning back.

Writers fall prey to plagiarism due to both unintentional and intentional reasons.  Irrespective of what the reason is, if you have delivered copied content once, there is no turning back so being careful is the key.

  • The use of a free online plagiarism checker can actually save you from all this trouble. It is quite hard to use manual checking methods and go through the written content. There are several difficulties when this option is exercised. One of them is that you may overlook some major parts of the content.
  • Do not expect the software to make any human errors. Even if there is one line of plagiarized content, reliable software will detect and show it. The biggest disadvantage of not using a plagiarism checker is that the writer needs to search for the copied sections.
  • This means that the writer can bid farewell to delivering the content on time. Plagiarism is not forgiven under any condition so it is a problem that should not be handled with a casual approach.
  • The comparison of plagiarism checking applications is very important as it helps you in picking the best one. Let us suppose that you wish to buy denim jeans so what will be your approach. No smart buyer will make a purchase without making a comparison. The same strategy needs to be used when you are picking software to check plagiarism. The eventual goal is picking the best option so that you do not have to feel sorry in the later stages.
  1. Research properly for keywords

Keyword stuffing is something that can let you down. These important phrases have to be inserted at the right places and that tool in a natural manner. This is where most writers go completely wrong. They insert these important phrases without thinking about the impact that it will have on the readability level.

However, the correct strategy is inserting these important phrases where they fit naturally. If it does not make any sense, do not use these important phrases.

  • Should you insert these words without any research work or they can be selected in a random manner. You need to perform detailed research work so that the right phrases are selected.
  1. Check the grammar of what you write

Proofreading is very essential when you are working on a piece of content. Responsible writers make sure that the content they produce has been proofread properly and is submitted without any grammatical errors.

The finest way to handle this task is by using a grammar checker. This is a tool which runs through the content and locates grammar related mistakes. Using it saves time and also requires the writer to put in the lesser effort.