How To Top In Class 12 Boards?

CBSE Class 12 Physics Syllabus 2021-22
Photo by Burst on Pexels

Not too long ago you gave your exam for the 10th standard and officially entered the college years of your life. Soon enough, you realised that your vision, of life becoming easier after the hectic 10th standard board exam, was nothing but a hoax. If anything, it only got more complicated with a lot of choices to make, a lot of exams to appear for, all this amongst other issues to deal with. Considering all these factors, it is easy to understand why most students, despite scoring high in the 10th standard board exam, hardly manage to score north of 70% in 12th. But if you are up for the challenge and believe you are not one to give up, getting a good score and even surpassing everyone else isn’t impossible as it may seem. This article will take you through a few tips and guidelines you should follow to succeed in your 12th board exams.

Give yourself a goal

You don’t want to start preparing for the exam with no end sight or goal in mind. Just as you are about to enter your 12th standard and are committed to doing exceedingly well in your board exams, you need to start by keeping a goal in your mind. That goal might either be the percentage that you want to target or the number of hours you want to study every day or really anything in between. What matters more than setting this goal is to keep a regular check on your progress and make sure you’re on track to reach it. Take a look at the CBSE Class 12 Physics Syllabus 2021-22 and plan your routine accordingly.

The right attitude is important

Achieving a good score in the 12th standard isn’t possible without the right attitude. You need to be extremely disciplined, patient and must have enough zeal that doesn’t fade away after the first few days but rather lasts throughout the year. A good way to begin is to limit the use of Social media, YouTube and other such things that are addictive to a point where they can affect your performance in the board exams. Get inured to the fact that there are going to be times when you will need to miss social gatherings and prioritize your studies instead. Remember, these are the little sacrifices you shall make for the larger picture, which is, being the 12th board topper.

Making the most of internal assessment

If you’re serious about being one of the best performers in the board exam, you cannot be losing out on easy-to-get marks, like that of internal assessment. Be thorough with your book and journal completion, submit all assignments on time, perform the practicals diligently, maintain a healthy attendance record, and treat your teachers with respect. You shall try your best not to give the teachers any room to give you fewer marks. Getting a good internal score is crucial because it counts for a lot in the board exams.

Balance between boards and entrance exams

Unlike the 10th standard, where all you had to worry about was the board exams and nothing apart from it, in the 12th standard, depending upon the stream that you have chosen, you will most likely be dealing with the pressure of entrance exams. Most students tend to prioritize entrance exams over their board exams. This shall not be the case with you. Rather, there is a lot of inter-lapping in the portion of the board and entrance exams. By preparing for the board exams well, you are also eventually preparing for the entrance exams. Sure, there are key differences in the way in which you approach a problem, but the core principles remain the same, and studying for one helps you with the other.

The textbook is your bible

Amongst the jungle of third party resources to study from, what most people fail to understand is that the book they need to study the most is the textbook, and it’s the best reference material there is. While it’s always good to refer to other books for certain solutions not given in the book and some theorems, relying on them for everything isn’t the best plan of action. Focusing on studying the textbook properly and learning the definitions as well as the solutions to the questions given under each topic is sufficient for the most part, and puts you in a good position to do well in the exam.

Treat all subjects equally

While the fact remains that scoring in certain subjects is easier than others, it does not imply that we give up and let loose of subjects that are a little tricky to score well in. Subjects like English and other languages are difficult to get great marks at and are hence not practised enough by many, thinking that the effort won’t eventually be worth it. Students aiming to achieve high scores should not make this mistake and work equally hard for every subject, including the language subjects, for they contribute just as much to the final score as any other.

Never ignore your health

Despite long study sessions and a relatively homebound routine, one must not ignore doing regular exercise and maintaining a healthy diet. Always remember that a sound mind dwells in a sound body.

Solving previous year question papers

Any previous year question paper is just a simple Google search away, and you must solve as many of them as you can. Make sure to grade yourself after the paper, and carefully analyse the mistakes you made.

Here, we complete the list of suggestions we had for you to become the leading scorer in the 12th board exam. Like you can probably tell now, nailing the 12th board exam is definitely a challenge and won’t come easy. However, it’s not impossible and anyone with the right preparation, dedication, and guidance is capable of achieving this feat. We hope this article helped you in some way or the other and wish you the best of luck in your journey ahead.