How To Repurpose B2B Video Content To Improve Video Marketing Strategies

Video Marketing Strategies
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Due to the increasing popularity of B2B video, using it in your marketing approach is essential. If you sacrifice quality, you can’t stand out in social feeds saturated with this must-have stuff. Yet influential videos need time to develop, including preparation, writing, taping, and editing.

To maximize your return on investment, repurpose your high-quality videos (those you’ve generated and those you plan to create). Let’s explore how to create many types of content from a single movie (and why you should).

Let’s begin with a definition of content repurposing.

What exactly is content repurposing?

Repurposing content entails transforming a piece of material into other formats for usage on several platforms. It requires creatively expressing your message in many forms and venues to reach and engage with more individuals.

Content is here to serve several purposes. A YouTube B2B video content needn’t remain exclusively on YouTube. It’s transformed to be useful into a

  • Blog article
  • Podcast episode
  • Social media graphic
  • LinkedIn post
  • Meme
  • GIF

Repurposing B2B video material liberates your approach from relying on YouTube enthusiasts or B2B video enthusiasts to find your content. Your repurposed B2B video material needs to be appealing to

  • social media users
  • podcast listeners
  • blog readers

Yet, content repurposing is different from copying and pasting. Effective content repurposing is an intelligent and creative process. There are several content marketing tools that you can use to make your content creation and repurposing easier.

Each reused component involves time, effort, ingenuity, and strategy. The distinction is that you aren’t beginning from scratch. To generate new platform-specific content, extend or reduce the points and value of the original material.

Repurposing your material strengthens your brand’s ideas and visibility across different channels. By adjusting durations and formats for other platforms, you’re able to target the following audiences:

  • The location where people consume content
  • In the formats they favor
  • Who possesses many learning styles
B2B Video Content
Photo by Melanie Deziel on Unsplash

8 tips and illustrations for reusing your B2B video footage.

Here are some suggestions and illustrations for reusing your B2B video footage. Select the content marketing plan alternatives that make the most sense.

1.   Choose the right formats and platforms

Repurposing needs to be guided by knowing where and how your audience consumes material. Ask yourself:

  • Who is your target audience?
  • Who is reading your material, and how do you tailor it to their needs?
  • Where are they most likely to consume content? Align your content approach with your target audience. This maximizes interaction and correctly delivers your content.
  • What are your resources? Do you have the funds to outsource, or does repurpose depend on your creations?

Let your replies influence your content placement as your audience expands and diversifies.

2.   Diversify your material

Consider your material a buffet for different appetites and tastes.

  • Provide content snacks, starters, mains, and desserts (checklists, swipe files).
  • Provide calls to action (CTAs) to inform content eaters about other offerings in any of these courses.
  • Imagine a format for your content marketing. Repurpose your videos for different appetites and tastes.

3.   Shorter content is the key

Excellent short-form material piques people’s senses and stimulates their curiosity, attracting new viewers. Short films are everywhere

  • TikTok
  • YouTube Shorts
  • Instagram Reels
  • Pinterest

According to HubSpot‘s 2022 Social Media Marketing Report, the short-form B2B video has the most significant ROI of any social media content, Repurposing long-form footage for social media is straightforward. Consider these:

  • Dimensions

Adjust B2B video dimensions for each platform. The standards, sizes, and measurements for social media videos are on

  • Captions

People need to comprehend videos without sound with subtitles or captions. Add subtitles to your transcription in real-time. This makes your videos more accessible and exciting, particularly on platforms where people watch without sound. It also ensures that your videos are accessible to deaf and hard-of-hearing users. In contrast to text files, audio files require multimedia players or other specialized software for access. Transcribe MP3 to text to enable effortless access and engagement with the information.

  • Standalone benefit

Selecting snippets from long-form videos is the trickiest part. Standalone clips need to inspire, educate, and amuse. Turn your lengthy B2B video into social media-friendly text or images.

B2B Video Content
Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

4.   Repurpose videos to create threads and tweets

Repurpose videos for Twitter using these ideas (if you and your audience are still using that platform).

  • Tweet text-only versions of your video
  • Use your video’s primary concepts to write a thread
  • Upload the graphics
  • Share snippets from your main video
  • Make B2B video GIFs
  • Carousels on Instagram or LinkedIn

Showcase your video’s advice, actions, and how-tos in LinkedIn or Instagram picture carousels. Viewers have more stuff to engage with and carousels tend to appear numerous times in the feed, Search Engine Journal found that carousels have an average engagement of 1.92% compared to 1.74% for photos and 1.45% for videos. Employ the most compelling quotations and pictures to modify your social media visuals for carousels.

TIP: Create a LinkedIn document post from your Instagram carousel by saving the photographs as a PDF.

5.   Repurpose videos to make Instagram and Facebook stories

According to Buffer, 500 million users make and watch Instagram Stories on their portable devices daily, while Facebook Stories draw almost the same amount.

Convert lengthy films into small, vertical videos. Make this information interactive with

  • Link stickers
  • Polls
  • Rating sliders
  • Ask me anything
  • Surveys

6.   Create Instagram/Pinterest graphics from your videos

Graphically illustrate your main arguments. An inspiring remark, helpful advice, intriguing question, or solution to an issue mentioned in your video make awesome reused content for visual sites like Instagram and Pinterest.

7.   Create real-time video

Livestreams are excellent for audience engagement and community building. This isn’t repurposing, but it extends a B2B video idea. On a live stream, discuss a theme from your video. Download and reuse your live video. These social media websites allow live streaming

  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • TikTok

8.   Create Reddit/Quora posts

Reddit needn’t be your go-to for B2B video distribution though it boasts 52 million devoted members and a forum for every topic. Host a r/AMA on your B2B video topic or upload a clip of your repurposed blog article with a graphic.

Reddit users are notoriously intolerant of irrelevant stuff, so research before posting. Eliminate ads, create value, and find innovative methods to engage your community.

No matter the topic, Quora has questions about it. The site has over 300 million monthly visitors, making it an excellent place to showcase your skills.

Repurpose your B2B video into authoritative, entertaining responses for similar conversations. Make sure your Reddit B2B video repurposing adds value and engages the community.

B2B Video Content

Top 4 key players

Some people only watch videos in particular contexts. To satisfy more viewers, repurpose long-form videos into text and audio. Consider the following options:

1.   Podcast episodes

Audio alone is valuable if your B2B video doesn’t need images. Make it a podcast episode. Unlike B2B video viewers, podcast listeners are mobile. While commuting, shopping, walking the dog, etc., those folks are there to listen to a 30-minute podcast episode.

Converting a B2B video to audio is the first step in podcasting. It requires more description or fewer pictures to operate. Contemplate intros, outros, and midrolls. Turn your livestream interviews into YouTube videos and use the audio in the corporate podcast.

2.   Blog posts

Blog posts are as powerful as videos. Embed the B2B video within the blog article so your viewers watch it. But, because it’s realistic to expect that not everyone is going to watch it, the blog should make logical sense and provide value.

The video’s significant themes are often expanded into a blog article. To maximize reader value, go more profound than the B2B video and link to other information. That same livestream/YouTube B2B video series and podcast has the potential to become a company blog post.

3.   E-book chapters

A decent e-book starts with a few videos on a topic. All videos are the different chapters. If this procedure identifies content holes, produce new videos.

4.   Online courses predicts a $400 billion worldwide e-learning industry by 2026. Content marketers need to turn their films into online courses. Find your best videos in your archives and statistics. Consider repeated questions and ensure that your course covers this.

Create short, easy-to-use educational films. You’ve done your job if your clients get what they need and leave knowing it.

Repurposing videos help businesses achieve their goals

Think of something to provide as the cherry on top for those who still have room after the main elements. Make an infographic, template, or checklist using the video’s recommendations and images to reinforce the critical themes and your brand.

Infographics are visually appealing and shareable. Remember to repurpose these key elements into relevant content such as blog posts, e-books, book chapters, and so on.

Use excellent materials for content repurposing. Avoid reusing nasty videos. That is equivalent to offering free samples of substandard quality; you then don’t encourage more customers to purchase the entire dish.

Don’t waste good B2B video content. Repurpose a high-quality B2B video before generating new content. Each time you produce a new video, plan its repurpose.