How To Re-Engage With Your Previous Customers

Credit: Digital Marketing Institute

It’s easy to think that after you’ve made a sale, the hard work is done and that you can put your feet up and enjoy that feeling of mission accomplished. While you should enjoy the success of making a sale, you shouldn’t stop there. To keep your business thriving, you want customers to keep coming back to your brand whenever they need your product or service. Here are some ideas and strategies to help you re-engage with your previous customers:

1.  Ask for customer feedback

Once you’ve completed a sale, you should be thinking about how you can re-engage with each and every customer and a great way of doing this is asking for their feedback after purchase. You could do this by sending an email asking for their opinion on the customer service they received, as well as asking for feedback on the product or service they purchased. This works because it reminds customers that you care about their opinions and that you want to improve your service if you can. Plus, you are putting yourself back in front of the customer who then may want to make another purchase from you because you’ve got their attention again.

Studies show that only 1 out of 26 unhappy customers complain, and that the rest tend to churn. You can actively try to stop your customers from churning if you ask them about their experience – because if a customer is not happy but doesn’t go to the effort to tell you, you’ll never know. But if you make that process easier for them by asking for their opinions and responding positively to the given feedback, you might just find that you’ve done enough to retain their business in the future.

2.  Offer incentives

After you’ve sent an initial feedback email, you can then look at sending a further follow up email a month or so later. Here you can use incentives such as exclusive offers and discounts to entice the customer back to your website for the chance of a repeat purchase. A study by Wirecard found that 75% of customers said they were likely to make another purchase after receiving an incentive, so this is something that you should look to capitalise on to keep your customers engaged.

3.  Use social media

Another tool for managing re-engagement with customers is social media. You should encourage customers to follow you on your social channels so that you can target them regularly by posting useful content, news, and resources that they will want to engage with. If people send you messages, leave comments on your posts or tag you in stories, then it’s vital that you respond. Receiving a reply will make them feel like a valued customer. Additionally, research has found that customers spend 20-40% more with companies who engage and respond to customers via social media.

If your customers post on social media about buying your products, then you should re-share their content. This can lead to a ripple effect and effectively get your products and services in front of even more consumers on an organic basis. The more eyes you have on you, the greater the chance someone will like what they see.

The re-engagement of customers can not only help to enhance your business but can be a game-changer. One study found that companies that improved their customer retention rates by 5% could see profits go up from 25% to 95%. Why chase down new customers when customer loyalty is the real golden goose?