How is Apple Transforming The World of Technology?

Image source: The New York Times

It was in the year 1976 when it all started. The college dropouts Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak launched “Apple” with the vision of changing the way people view computers. That’s how the first-ever Macintosh got its limelight.

Since then, the company has only continued to set milestones of perfection. Inside and out, the company has made sure to change the wave of trends while never missing out on one thing: Being the people’s product.

It amazes various tech experts that they never designed the first MP3 player or the first smartphone. Yet, Apple continues to astonish even the most brilliant minds. So, what’s the difference? Why are people still following this company irrespective of the money constraints?

Let’s delve a little deeper, and you’ll know.

Apple’s Secret Weapon- Using the Power of Scarcity and Social Proof

Apple believes in the phrase “think different.” They believe in throwing off age-old shackles and embracing modern trends. That’s what keeps Apple immune to even the worst disruptions that affect every other organization. Here’s what they are doing differently.

Communication is The Key

When it comes to running an organization, everyone focuses a lot on knowing what they do. Only a few put effort and time into understanding the “why’s” of doing what they do.

The “Golden Circle” marketing method used by Apple gives importance to “Why” equally as that of “How” or “What.” The development of such a belief system is what attracts others to this organization. That’s why they were able to sell more than just computers.

Focusing on the Law of Diffusion of Innovation

The idea alone can’t make anyone successful. It’s the strategy that helps reach the masses. And Apple cleverly infuses early adopters with the early majority whenever developing a product. They always try to engage technology enthusiasts to carry the torch of their marketing strategy to the rest of the users.

Remember, first impressions still hold prominence. They spread the idea from adopters to trendsetters and then to the rest in a systematic way.

Being Different While Being Relatable

If we say that the journey has been entirely smooth, we would be completely lying. Apple did encounter resistance. Very few coders were getting into this realm. The reason why early Macs failed to make their mark was because of their mindset, “we know it all.”

So, what changed?

Apple found its foothold in the electronics industry in the late 1990s after they launched iMac. Their USP was “it’s easy to use the internet now.” And the reason they are becoming popular is because of the availability of the list of incredible maintenance/ Mac tune up software along with quality services. The features made it so enticing that finally, people started embracing the product.

Reinventing Products as Per The Customers Needs

Change is the only constant. Everyone knows it. Still, it’s hard to budge customers that you are providing better than your competitors. Apple believes in focusing on the context or purpose before giving answers to How’s or what’s. That’s how they could easily tap into new markets—for instance, iPod, iPad, Apple TV, and many more.

Key Takeaways

When it comes to leading by example, Apple surely knows how to do it correctly. That’s how they made their ideas creative, influential, and interesting at the same time. Precisely how Mac saw such a rise in popularity.

They focused all their energy on knowing what people genuinely want and developed their products accordingly. So, the result is what we see today — a big corporation that’s growing leaps and bounds.