How Can Voice Analytics Help Enhance Customer Relationships?

Image source: The CEO Magazine

Voice analytics is one of the most powerful tools any contact centre can invest in nowadays. While speech analytics has been well known within the industry, interactive voice analytics takes its intelligence once step further to provide an insight into callers’ wants and needs.

Speech analytics has the power to take real-time conversations between customers and call agents and translate these into readable texts, they can also pinpoint exact words and phrases used.

Voice analytics technology encompasses all the powers of speech analytics but can also detect emotions and tone in a customer’s voice.

We take a look just how voice analytics software can enhance customer relationships.

Reduces Average Handling Time (AHT)

Average handling time is an incredibly important metric to measure in a call centre. Longer calls lead to poor customer satisfaction and an increasing chance of leaving them angered, upset and potentially cancel contracts and services.

This software can use its voice analytics call centre intelligence to quickly determine exactly what department a caller needs to speak to, ensuring they are served by the correct agent first time and reducing the risk of them being passed between departments and increasing their call time.

It can also determine exactly what emotion they are portraying, flagging up the possible need to speak to a supervisor or manager straight away and skipping the agent altogether.

While the average call handling time will be significantly reduced for that individual caller, it will also be reduced for others. The shorter each call is, the more time agents will have to answer queries from other customers, meaning wait times are drastically reduced.

Prompt Agent Responses

Voice analytics can detect incredibly early on if a customer is becoming unhappy during the call, often before an agent can even make this call.

The software can then prompt the agent in real-time that this needs to be resolved. Not only can it flag negative emotions but by catching words and phrases used within the call, it can also provide the best resolution for that customer while also helping the agent through a tricky part of their day.

There are also times when call centres can witness a huge influx of calls with what appears to be no explanation. Voice analytics can distinguish frequent reasons as to why these callers are rising.

This could be anything from websites experiencing technical difficulties, issues with new products or announcements with the news and other media. Resolutions to these problems can be created and notifications can instantly be created to all agents so they can be prepared for this influx and know the best response.

Create Better Training

The key to any good business is the staff behind it and the right training is imperative for cracking this.

When agents are within the training phase of their career, they will inevitably experience being played in real conversations between agents and customers.

This could be anything from the most irate and irrational customers being handled correctly or incorrectly, an agent providing impeccable customer service or a colleague relaying the wrong information and leading to a once satisfied caller to become upset unnecessarily.

While being presented with real-life examples is incredibly helpful to gain an understanding of call handling, these examples are often outdated and potentially irrelevant to the business at present.

Voice analytics can track the tone of each caller easily and group these cases and allow managers to quickly listen to and pull what they need for their next training sessions.

They can even be grouped in specific reasons for calls to allow agents in various departments to get the exact insight they need.

This can all be pulled in a fraction of the time that it would take to manually listen to phone calls and it is far more accurate than random sampling.

Provide A Better Service

While it may seem like customers don’t want to be sold more than what they originally chose to pay for, with the right approach, suggesting other products or services can improve customer service without a caller feeling like they are just there for a sales pitch.

Voice analytics can detect the emotions customers have towards their products and services, teamed with the words they are using, it can help provide an insight into products that could complement their current purchase or help resolve issues they are having with it.

This makes a caller feel like they are being listened to and that their agent wants to find the best solution for them to make their most out of their purchase.

Voice analytics software is one of the most important investments any call centre can make in this modern age. It’s crucial to stay ahead of the competition and provide the best service possible to all current and potential customers and by utilising this software, you can do just that.