How Can I Cool Down My Laptop?

Image source: MakeUseOf

In this fast-moving world of technology, Laptops have become one of the most used computer gadgets in the entire world. This electronic gadget has revolutionized technology with its immense convenience in every field of life like education, e-commerce, office works, etc. Laptops are used everywhere by every person for his activities like reading books, presentations, video games, social media, etc. Apart from these ultimate benefits of laptops, there is another side of the story too. With the increasing usage, these devices are showing some severe issues like heating. People who perform some massive tasks like video gaming or some other work have to face this issue continuously.

However, there is no appropriate solution to deal with this issue, and every laptop user asks a question repeatedly how can I cool down my gaming laptop. Due to this issue of heat, you have to face some serious troubles while performing your tasks. Although laptops automatically shut down when there is any issue of overheating, this can cause some severe damage to your laptop. And if this problem continues for some time and you do not pay heed to it, it will burn your laptop’s silicon chips, and you will lose your laptop. Here are some tips that will help you tackle this issue of overheating pcs built for games that will help you make your laptop work smooth and long-lasting.

Always use a laptop on a flat surface

One of the biggest reasons for heating issues in laptops is the place where we keep your laptop while using. Using the laptop on beds or mattresses is the biggest cause of overheating. Your laptop has small holes in the bottom for the emission of natural heat during the working of the machine, and due to the smooth surface of the bed, this exit of heat is blocked, which causes your laptop to overheat. You should always put your laptop on a flat surface like on a table to make the airflow higher, which will decrease the chances of overheating that occurs due to the smoother surface of the bed.

There are many options for this flat surface like in the market, there is a variety of laptop trays available, and you can use these trays and then also use a laptop on the bed. These trays will make the airflow normal and avoid the issue of heating. Also, keep it in mind that if you do not see any heat coming to the machine while using it on a smoother surface like a bed, you will see the damage after few months when the fans will stop working and natural heat exit spoil, which will destroy your laptop.

Increase the RAM of Laptop

This can also be a prominent reason behind your laptop’s heating issues. The laptop’s RAM is temporary physical hardware where there is a temporary storage of the tasks for some time.

While performing your tasks, if your gaming laptop reaches the RAM limit, then it starts to generate heat; you can overcome this problem by adding some more RAM to your laptop to make it work more efficiently. Apart from other issues, you also need to check out this issue that an also create heating issues in your laptop.

If you don’t know how much ram speed you need in your gaming laptop, we have a list of best budget gaming laptop which you can check for more details.

Clean your laptop regularly

Dust is undoubtedly the most obvious reason behind your laptop’s heating issue because it acts as an insulator and blocks the natural flow of air that keeps your laptop cool. You can use the cans of compressed air for cleaning the dust even without opening the laptop. These air cans will perform a marvelous job and remove all the dust from the hidden places. Make sure to remove the electricity supply and turn your laptop off before using this method to remove dust.

If you are more conscious about deep cleaning, you can unscrew the panel and clean its bottom. But be careful in unscrewing your laptop because some of the manufacturers have a very strict policy regarding the unscrewing of laptops, so before opening the panel, keep this fact in mind too.

Get cooling pads for tackling overheating

You can use the above tips for removing dust and cleaning for controlling the issues of heating. But if you have a new laptop and still have to face the heating issues, then you need to purchase cooling pads for evading this issue. These cooling pads are designed in such a way that they cool down the laptop in the most efficient way. These pads reduce the laptop’s temperature and help your laptop perform better without any issue of heating. The fans in the cooling pads perform very efficiently and make your machine cooler.

Keep the laptop fans working

Fans are the best option for reducing heating issues in laptops because they play a vital role in keeping the temperature of laptop normal. Your laptop has the fans at the bottom or in the sides for the emission of heat so that your laptop can normally perform in an efficient manner. Often with the passage of time and excessive use, these fans stop working, which can cause trouble for your laptop, so you need to replace the fan immediately when they stop working.

Place your hand in front of the vents and check if the fan is working properly. You will feel the hot air coming from inside, and if it is not happening, then you need to change the fan instantly without any delay.


Make sure to charge your laptop wisely because a lot of heating issues come when you charge your laptop, so charge the laptop when you complete your task or work at night. Please avoid using the laptop while charging until it is most necessary because this will generate some severe heat, which will be very harmful to your laptop. A better charging routine will help your laptop to perform better without heating issues. For more details about your laptop do visit Work Around TC. Finally, if you face the issues of overheating and are looking for tips to make your laptop cooler, these tips listed above should help you out.