How Blue Light Glasses Can Help You

blue light glasses

Thanks to our over-dependency on technology, we now spend an astonishing amount of time looking at various digital devices like our mobile phones and laptops. According to studies, teenagers look at a screen for almost 7 hours every day, while adults look for at least 6 hours per day. So how do you save yourself and your eyes from damage? Well, we suggest getting blue light glasses!

Wish to know how they can help you? Then read on as we explain 4 instances when blue light glasses are handy for you.

5 Instances Why Blue Light Glasses Are Useful

1. Better Sleep

When you keep looking at your device’s screen right before going to bed, your mind and body become too alert. Short wavelengths can delay melatonin release (a sleep-inducing hormone), thus keeping us wide awake. So if you have to keep your device on even an hour before you sleep, get blue light glasses. It can help protect your eyes and improve melatonin release, thus helping you sleep better.

2. Less Strain On Eyes

Since we have to look at our device screen all day, it can make us stressed, leading to muscle and eye strain. We can use ergonomic adjustments to reduce muscle pain. But the only way to get rid of the eye strain is by using blue light glasses. It can help us improve our focus by increasing our screen contrast.

3. Reduced Risk Of Eye Diseases

Our eye lens and cornea are made to block harmful UV rays from reaching our retina. However, it is incapable of stopping blue light. So damage to our retina due to blue light can increase the rate of macular degeneration that can cause blindness. Thus, you can use blue light glasses to block the blue light from harming your retina. It can reduce your risk of eye diseases considerably.

4. Lesser Headaches

Any light source, incredibly blue light, can bring about severe headache pain like migraines. Now, you can always stay away from sunlight as much as possible. But how will you stay away from the blue light of your screen? With the help of blue light glasses! These glasses will increase your screen contrast to help you focus better. In turn, it helps to reduce excess strain on your eyes.

5. Saves You From Harmful Rays Of Your Device

Lastly, as discussed before, our devices have become an inseparable part of our lives. Thus, we have to look at them for several hours every day. Therefore, you need something to ensure that these long hours do not damage your eyes in the long run. So use blue light glasses for maximum protection from harmful rays. Apart from using these glasses, we also encourage limiting your time with the devices – maybe step away from your computer for some time or read a book instead of watching TV.


Now you know that these blue light glasses can be beneficial for protecting your eyes from harmful rays. So what are you waiting for? Head over to SmartBuyGlasses UK, and order a pair today!