Everything You Should Know About SafeOpt

SafeOpt by AddShoppers
Photo by Stephen Phillips - Hostreviews.co.uk on Unsplash

SafeOpt is a leading email retargeting platform. Email retargeting is without a doubt one of the web’s most effective marketing solutions, so if you are a business owner, SafeOpt is a platform that’s worth exploring. If you are not familiar with the concept of retargeting, then it is when you send targeted emails to a visitor to your site, after they have abandoned the cart, or left it.

Email retargeting is a highly effective way of generating leads, making sales, and informing consumers about the latest deals and promotions your store offers.

This post will tell you everything you need to know about SafeOpt.

Charitable Giving

Very few organizations are as concerned with charitable giving as SafeOpt is. In this article on SafeOpt by AddShoppers, it is made clear that the organization is sponsoring a fundraiser by Compass to Care, in order to help the families of childhood cancer patients to get their children the treatment and care that they deserve. While charitable giving alone isn’t a reason to support an organization, it is still a good sign that SafeOpt is worth working with, and doesn’t just care about its profits. If they will do that much for children and strangers, then what will they do for their customers?

Email Retargeting

Email retargeting, as mentioned in this post’s introduction, is the main service that SafeOpt offers. Email retargeting can be a very effective way of engaging one’s audience and forcing through sales. If you are a business owner, then you will benefit from launching an email retargeting campaign. However, it should be noted that email retargeting should be accompanied by digital marketing, the use of influencers, and SEM. Without these things, you won’t be able to increase your business’s audience and size.

Providing Templates

SafeOpt provides companies with templates to use in their emails. While it is entirely possible for companies to push these templates to the side and use their own email formatting templates, it is strongly recommended the use SafeOpt. The reason for this is that SafeOpt’s team has perhaps more experience in email retargeting than any other company out there at the moment. All of this experience means that they are able to deliver accurate, useful, and effective email templates. They know what consumers want to see, which is why you should use the templates they provide.

Brand Recommendations

As mentioned in the previous section, SafeOpt’s team is very experienced. On their website, they make recommendations to the brands that they work with. The recommendations made are offered so that businesses can have more success in email retargeting. An example of a recommendation that’s made is that businesses should give promotional codes to people when they are sending out retargeting emails. This is a good suggestion since a promotional code is a highly effective way of getting people to return to a business’s website and make a purchase. SafeOpt also encourages its brands to give consumers early access deals.

SafeOpt by AddShoppers
Photo by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash

Customer Support

SafeOpt’s customer support is a pleasure to work with. If you have any queries or concerns about the platform, then you can get in touch with them. They are there to answer your questions any time of the day. If you are planning on working with SafeOpt, then for the most success make sure that you properly format your emails and explain your problem. A lot of people are very bad at explaining their issues, which is why they don’t get the support they need when they work with companies’ customer service desks. Be clear, concise, and to the point.

User Network

SafeOpt’s user network has over 260 million active American users. When people visit your website, abandon their cart, or just leave without finishing what they are doing, if such individuals aren’t signed up for your site’s newsletter or logged into their accounts, there is literally no way for you to get in touch with them. If they are signed up for SafeOpt’s service, however, then you don’t need their information, because SafeOpt will give it to you. Since there are over 260 million SafeOpt users, there’s a very strong chance that most of the people visiting (and subsequently abandoning) your site will be signed up for their service.

Consumer Benefits

SafeOpt doesn’t only benefit businesses, it benefits consumers too. Consumers are able to use SafeOpt to find deals, discounts, and vouchers. Things are very hard financially for a lot of people at the moment. Those struggling can turn to SafeOpt, in order to save money on their online shopping. The best thing about SafeOpt is that it’s completely free for consumers to use. All they have to do is to put their email address in, and they are ready to go. SafeOpt is not free for businesses, however.

Automatic Emailing

You can enable automatic emailing on your SafeOpt account. This means that if somebody visits your website and leaves it when you aren’t awake or at your desk, then you can still ensure emails are sent out to people. Automatic emailing isn’t a service that’s offered by many of the internet’s other email retargeting services. It is definitely something that you should enable if you want to ensure that consumers are reached out to, even if you are away. The only problem with automatic emailing is that it often means you can’t personalize the emails that you are sending.

Muting Companies

The last thing to bear in mind about SafeOpt is that it is possible for consumers to mute certain websites or companies if they are annoying them. This means that if you are in the habit of spamming people, you can get muted. Being muted means you won’t be able to send people marketing emails. With this in mind, make sure that you never send more than two emails to a person after they have visited and left your website. Two emails are enough to pique their interest again. If they do not respond after two, it is a pretty strong indication that they are no longer interested.

SafeOpt is a popular email retargeting service, used by millions of businesses, and hundreds of millions of consumers. If you are planning on setting up your own e-commerce website (or already own one) then it’s a service that you will benefit from using.