Do Seniors Need Medical Alert Systems?

Medical Alert Systems

Seniors need constant healthcare and monitoring to ensure they live long healthy lives. However, most prefer to be at home around their family members rather than at a nursing home. This does not come without a cost; if there is a health emergency, they might not have quick access to the kind of healthcare they need. An easy solution to this problem is the usage of medical alert systems.

What Is a Medical Alert System?

Also known as emergency pendants, a medical alert system is a small device that is designed to alert a monitoring centre that help is required during an emergency. These devices are wearable, usually in the form of a necklace or bracelet. There are many available on the market, and it would help to read reviews before purchasing one. These devices can be useful in the following situations:

1. After a fall

Many elderly people have lost their agility and do not find it easy to get up and continue their day if they fall. When seniors are involved in a falling incident and have no one around to help, they can notify a monitoring centre by pressing the button on their emergency pendant.

2. Encounters with intruders

Despite having a home security system installed, a senior might forget to activate the system, leaving them vulnerable to predatory attacks from intruders. In such situations, they can use their emergency pendants to call for help.

3. When there is limited mobility

Seniors might find it difficult to get around with just a cane or a walker if they have an injury, and some might be bedridden so they might not be able to make it to the phone to get someone’s attention if need be. Medical alert systems simplify this action for them.

4. Instances requiring emergency medical procedures

An elderly person caught up in an emergency medical situation like tightness of chest, chronic pain, severe cough, confusion, or shortness of breath can use a medical alert system to signal that they need immediate assistance.

How Medical Alert Systems Work

To send out an SOS notification, you have to press the button on the device. This will prompt the alert system to automatically dial the response centre affiliated with your alert system’s service provider. While trying to connect to the response centre, you will hear some loud beeps. In around 30 seconds, someone will respond. Given that the emergency pendant also acts as a speakerphone, you will be able to speak to the responder about what you need in as much detail as you can provide.

If there is a genuine emergency, the responder will dial 911 on their end, and describe your situation and exact location to the emergency service personnel they get a hold of for them to quickly assist you.

Common Beneficiaries of Medical Alert Systems

So far the focus has been on how seniors benefit from medical alert systems, however, they are not the only ones that can use them. Anyone that fits into the categories should have one at hand;

1. People taking medication that can make them dizzy

Some medicines have side effects that make people fall asleep. If there is an emergency after one has ingested such medicine, it would be difficult for them to resolve it themselves. Instead of succumbing to the danger of the situation, an emergency pendant can help them call for help.

2. People unable to walk without support

There are people who depend on crutches to walk, and find it difficult to cover distances quickly. These people need medical alert systems at hand so they can call for attention when they need it. Without it, their overall well-being could be at risk because they might urgently need care and their lack of mobility could prevent them from getting it before the situation escalates.

3. People with a history of seizures or other similar conditions

When suffering a seizure or a similar medical condition, the body becomes disoriented and it is almost impossible for anyone to rescue themselves from it. This makes an emergency pendant a must-have because they can use it to request for urgent assistance with little or no effort.

4. People prone to falls

As mentioned earlier, falling can be disastrous. Therefore, anyone prone to falls – regardless of age – should be near a medical alert system at all times. This is for them to call for help anytime they fall down.

5. People that live alone

Living alone is not inherently bad but it means there will be no one at close quarters watching your back. If anything tragic happens, and you need immediate medical attention, it could be difficult to call on first responders and explain the situation to them in detail over the phone. Emergency pendants can help save those people some precious minutes which could be the difference between life and death.

In some cases, the person likely to need medical attention will not be the one wearing the equipment. Instead, it could be with a caretaker that is genuinely interested in their wellbeing. However, this caretaker has to stay close to the pendant and to their beneficiary.

Different Types of Medical Alert Systems

The emergency pendant hung around the neck is the most common type of medical alert system, but there are others people should know about.

 1. In-home alert systems

This system comprises a base station and an alert alarm set up to aid healthcare at home. In the base station, there is a speaker and in-built mic that allows the person at home to speak and listen to the responders at the monitoring centre.

2. Wearable alert systems

This type of alert system is usually worn by the person in need especially if they have been rendered immobile or are a fall-risk. Examples of this type include:

  • Lanyards: This allows emergency pendants to be worn around the neck.
  • Smartwatches: This is a wearable alert system that is strapped to the wrist, or attached to a wristband.
  • Belt clips: Some alert systems have belt clips so they can be hooked to a belt and worn around the waist.

Essential Features of Medical Alert Systems

There are different emergency alert systems available to buy, but not all have the same features. Most have a panic button because that is what makes them an alert system to begin with, but the similarities for many end there. Here are some features you should look out for in these systems:

  • Portable Design

It is expected that the pendants should be lightweight and small enough to carry anywhere.

  • Panic Button

This button should be conspicuous and easy to press. To use it, it should be pressed down for a couple seconds until it has established connection to the monitoring centre.

  • Quiet Alarm

Some emergency systems have an option to enable silent alarms so an intruder would not know if it has been triggered.

  • Water Resistance

Seniors could fall in the bathroom or drop their emergency pendant in water, drenching it. This occurrence could be disastrous if it is not designed to withstand water damage. Fortunately, most pendants are designed to be water resistant to avoid disasters, but they are not fully waterproof, so they should not be placed in water intentionally.

  • Connection to a Monitoring Centre

Users should ensure that they link the emergency pendant to a monitoring company that is known for prompt response. Some devices also have GPS systems embedded in them so they can be tracked.

  • Easy Wearability

Medical alert devices should be easy for seniors or the disabled to wear. It should also provide flexibility so they can wear it the way they feel comfortable to. Some types of alert systems are stationary, and they should be easy to mount on a wall.

  • Link to Designated Contacts

Some systems allow certain contacts to be notified via a mobile app when a user presses the panic button. This is for them to be alert and be ready to provide additional assistance if need be. Even if their immediate assistance is not needed, it is good for them to be in the loop and keep track of the health of their beneficiary.

Buying a Medical Alert System

Aside from the essential features discussed, there are still considerations to be made before buying an emergency pendant. Some of them are:

  • Battery capacity

A pendant with a long-lasting battery should be preferred over one with a weaker battery.

  • Wide Range of Connectivity

The device should have a wide range of connectivity to the base station so the user can still reach the monitoring centre when far away.

  • Durability

Having a durable emergency alert system means that the device would not fail at unexpected times. A good quality device is expected to last long and not need replacement soon after purchasing it.


An emergency alert system is one of the devices essential for disabled people and seniors. There are many categories of people that need medical alert systems and it would be wise to have one at hand at all times to avoid unfortunate circumstances. They are easy to use and provide a line of communication to a monitoring centre via Wi-Fi.