Data-Driven Deals: 6 Benefits of Data Integration for Business

Data Integration

For companies hoping to remain competitive in 2022, efficiency is key. Though company effectiveness comes in many shapes and sizes, many successful corporations are leaning heavily into data integration tactics to keep business booming. Integration tools combine information from multiple systems or sources to create one unified, easily accessible data set, saving participating businesses precious time and money.

If you’re looking to boost productivity and soar above the competition, read on for six data integration benefits to take your company to the next level.

Gain competitive advantage

In today’s competitive environment, profitable businesses almost exclusively operate under data-integration systems to better understand their consumer base and increase efficiency. When it comes to enhancing your company’s information technology infrastructure, partnering with a unified data integrations provider like Striim can be a gamechanger.

In addition to an easy-to-use platform designed to connect all aspects of your organization seamlessly, integrated systems can slice processing times in half with automated solutions. Ultimately, investing in data integration enhancements can significantly improve productivity and company efficiency.

Helps access information at any time from anywhere

Data integration software makes pulling external data a simple task, enabling employees to access company info and data anywhere. Integrators can access data from multiple platforms, providing companies with real-time figures and eliminating tedious manual entry.

Additionally, data integration ensures everyone is working with accurate information through cross-departmental sharing systems. Companies that forgo integration tools are often prone to human error and data irrelevancy, making it challenging to remain competitive.

Increased data accuracy

Making critical business decisions only to find out the collected data is outdated is a costly mistake many companies fall victim to. Thankfully, information integration tools ensure accurate, real-time data, enabling you to facilitate growth with up-to-date figures.

With mixed manual-entry databases, inaccuracies and missing values can taint valuable evidence, leaving you to blindly fill in the missing pieces. Ultimately, incorporating multiple sources helps resolve issues by confirming source compliance with your company’s encoding standards.

Enables collaboration between teams

When every team within your organization works with a standard data set, department and team collaboration is a breeze. Integration tools facilitate better communication and more effective problem solving by ensuring each individual player is working within the same constraints. By leveraging connected data sources, you guarantee that each team works toward a unified end goal.

Unifies business systems and software applications

Companies that integrate data into their business model benefit from in-sync software and company-wide systems, eliminating wasted time and funds from manual operations.

Additionally, integration tools also simplify business processes by creating a standard set of rules for each application or platform to follow. For example, an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system can share information about individual inventory items with an e-commerce website instead of separating the operations.

Reduces operating costs

One of the most beneficial aspects of data integration is cost reduction. Integrated systems can eliminate duplicate designs that waste resources and combine separate sources to streamline productivity.

That way, you’ll have access to your complete data set and can integrate external sources as needed. When used in conjunction with enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, data integration can help eliminate many redundant operations.

Wrap up

A single data integration solution allows businesses to access information in real-time, which leads to faster decision-making and more accurate business analytics. Though it may take time to fully integrate information company-wide, the cost-saving, efficiency boosts will be worth it.