Can You Find Someone By Their Picture?

Photo by Benjamin Dada on Unsplash

It often happens that we get intrigued to know more about a person after looking at their photo. And you will not believe how easy it is to get the name, contact, and other details of a person just by their single photo. Nowadays, several image search engines make it possible for you to get Facebook or any other social media link of someone just by searching their image. Google Image is one of them. In this article, we will tell you how you can use Google Images to find someone by using their pictures.

Finding Someone by Their Picture with Google Image

Google Image is an easy-to-use and free image search toolbar that has a mammoth library of images. It allows you to use any picture to search for sources on the internet where that picture already exits.

Visit the website There you will see a toolbar very similar to the one seen on the normal Google website. The only difference is that this toolbar will let you do your search with images instead of words. First, you will have to upload the picture. You can do this by clicking on the camera icon and then selecting the picture from your device. Or you can type the URL of the picture on the toolbar. Or you can drag the picture to the toolbar. And then, you have to click on upload or press enter.

Google will then take you to a webpage that consists of links to all the pages that contain the image that you have searched for. On this webpage, you can find copies of your image on the internet. You can then analyze where this picture originated from and who is the owner of this picture. You can find the person to whom the picture belongs and also find other images of the same person.

Finding Someone by Their Picture with Google Image

Doing a Reverse Google Image search is different in mobiles and tablets. When you reach the Google Image website through your phone, then you will not see the camera icon on the toolbar. You will not be able to upload any photos. You need a tool like “” for uploading and checking the image for reverse image search.

What you need to do is access the desktop mode on your phone or tablet: access Chrome or Safari on your mobile. If you are using Android, click on the three dots on the top right corner. And if you are using ios, click on the upward arrow. Then click on Desktop Site to open up the desktop version on your mobile or tablet. Now you will see the camera option when you open Google Image on your Chrome. You can then directly upload the picture from your device.

Once the search is complete, you can narrow your search by clicking on different options for sizes, colors, and image types. Google allows you to search for different kinds of images in different formats, in different sizes, and in different color tones. You can find the exact match of the person you are searching for just by using their picture.

Privacy is of utmost importance for Google. It ensures that anyone’s private space or information is not breached. It uses the photo you upload only for the purpose of the betterment of its own technology and then deletes it after 7 days. This ensures that your private property is not out on the public for misuse.

Finding Someone by Their Picture with Other Image Search Engines

With a massive index of all types of images, Yahoo and Bing are also widely used websites made for searching images. Like Google, even these sites offer free service and have no limitations on image size or type. All these websites generate results that can be filtered based on different attributes like shape, size, format, color, and resolution.

You even have the option of searching for images based on the different face or body parts. This will allow you to do thorough research based on the picture you already have. It can help you find the exact person you are looking for based on their different attributes and features.