A Traveller’s Guide: The Basic Guide in Using Maps.Me

Image source: YouTube

If you love to travel, you know that an essential thing to bring during the trip is a map. But who among you here prefers to bring an actual map? Fortunately for all of us, there are some offline and online maps that we can download on our smartphones. You don’t even have to worry because they are all reliable and give you an accurate location.

However, online maps can be quite unreliable, especially when you are in a place that does not have any reliable internet connection. Relying on online maps can be quite the hassle, especially when you are in a deserted place, right? So, now we turn to offline maps such as maps me, that does not require any internet connection, and at the same time, it’s reliable.


This app was previously named as MapsWithMe and is downloadable on Blackberry, iOS, and Android. So, you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues, and the best thing about it is it’s free and would provide you accurate locations even if you are not connected to the internet.

When you have already downloaded Maps.Me, you will have access to all the GPS and maps which are produced by map fanatics, engineers, GIS professionals, and anyone who just wants to give local knowledge. It has a lot of amazing features such as the built-in editor. This feature lets you edit the OpenStreetMap data.

How to Download Maps.Me Offline

  • Go to your app store and search for Maps.Me on the search bar and download it.
  • When you’re done installing, press on the menu button located in the lower-right corner, and press “Download Maps.”
  • Select whichever country you want to have a map of. This app lets you download maps of the whole country, so it is better to rely on the internet and search for specific areas.
  • When you have selected a country, you will be presented with an option to either download different maps or one map for a single country.
  • Choose the map that you want, and press the download symbol on your screen’s left side.

Why Use Maps.Me

If you are the type of person who travels most of the time, you would certainly need an app that would help you navigate a foreign country. But what if your internet connection isn’t that reliable? That would then make the online map app inaccurate and useless. So, we will give you some features that Maps.Me have that an online maps app doesn’t have.

Offline Maps

Maps.Me can be used even if you’re not connected to an internet connection. You just have to download the maps, and all these maps will then be stored on your phone’s memory or SD card. Above all else, this offline map still gives you an accurate and reliable location. So, you won’t get lost when using this app to navigate through the city.

This will come in handy whenever you’re hiking, trekking, or backpacking somewhere as the map also includes these types of navigation. They don’t only offer road maps and bicycle paths. This is one of the major advantages of using Maps.Me than other online maps.

Offline Search

Another feature that makes this app so great is offline search. So, that would mean that you can search for any place on the maps that you have already downloaded. You can search by keywords such as the name, coordinates, or by address. This is very practical, especially when you are in a foreign environment.


The next time you plan on going abroad, or having a vacation or a Texas limo road trip to an unfamiliar place, make sure that you have already downloaded all the necessary maps on this Maps.Me. This would not only help you but will surely make your trip hassle-free and stress-free. Having this app is just like having an actual tour guide on your trip.