Real Estate PPC: What It Does, And Why Your Company Needs It

Real Estate PPC

If you do marketing work regularly, you might know all about PPC. It means pay-per-click. It is a fairly simple concept but one that far too many businesses neglect.

In this article, we will discuss real estate PPC. Real estate companies need excellent, well-developed marketing techniques, or they probably won’t do so well. If you fall behind your competitors in this niche, you might not make any money, and they will snatch all your would-be clients.

PPC can make a real difference, and we’ll detail how that happens right now.

The Basics

Before you look at tracking and measuring real estate PPC campaign performance, you should first understand the basics. Then, you can dive into this concept’s deeper aspects.

Any company or niche that uses PPC must find its base. These individuals represent who you will target since you feel they will potentially buy your products or use your services.

In real estate, you are looking for home renters or buyers. These individuals might get online and start looking on sites like Redfin, Trulia, or Zillow. These home listing sites should have some houses in the area that this person might like.

They will probably type in a particular geographic area or a zip code. They’ll then stipulate how much money they can spend and how much floor space they want. They might input some additional information as well.

At that point, you can have your company’s ad pop up on the screen. That ad might take them off Zillow or whatever other site they’re using. If they click on that ad, you will divert them to your website.

Your Sales Funnels

When someone clicks on your ad, that’s pay-per-click in action. You commission the ad, which either you create or else some company creates it for you.

In real estate, that ad probably has a house’s picture on it or maybe just some text if you commission a cheaper ad with no image. You’ll probably want one with a picture since someone clicking on it becomes more likely that way.

You don’t pay unless someone clicks on the ad. Once they do, you pay a particular amount. It’s usually not much. You might pay a few cents or perhaps more in some instances.

Once someone clicks on that ad and visits your real estate company’s website, they’ve entered what your marketing team calls your sales funnel. That’s a network that includes your website, blog, social media profiles, etc.

You Want Those Clicks

If someone clicks on your ad, you must pay the entity that’s running the ad campaign, assuming you’re not running it yourself. Usually, with the pay-per-click setup, you have a marketing agency handle your ad campaign.

It’s better that way since they have expertise. You might also hire an entire marketing department and have them handle your ad campaign if you like that business model better.

No matter who’s running your campaign, you want those clicks. Once you get one and someone enters your sales funnel, they might convert, meaning they’ll buy something from you. In this case, you hope someone who sees your properties will contact you or one of your agents to arrange a house viewing.

If someone clicks on your ad, that makes it so much more likely they will eventually convert. If you get them on your site looking around, that’s always a good thing. The more time someone spends on your website, the more probable they’ll eventually set up a house viewing that might become a sale if you play your cards right.

What Else Might Pay-Per-Click Accomplish?

You might also get other desired results through pay-per-click for your real estate company. Maybe the person clicks on your ad and they visit your site. They don’t feel like setting up a house viewing yet.

Perhaps they’re starting the house-hunting process, but they’re not very serious about it.

You might convince them that they should follow you on social media on one of the platforms your company uses. Maybe they will read your blog. Perhaps they’ll sign up so you can send them regular email newsletters.

In time, they might get serious and ask about a house viewing. It starts when they click on the ad you place on a relevant site. You might also use pay-per-click and social media in conjunction. That combination works very well too.

Pay-per-click can help you dominate your niche, and presumably, that’s what you want.