5 Of The Best Apps For Daily Planning

Best Apps for Daily Planning
Photo by Rami Al-zayat on Unsplash

The best way to ensure you are set up for success is by creating daily habits that move you incrementally closer to your goal. Knowing what you are trying to achieve over the next couple of years helps you break the goal down into more sizable pieces. While knowing what you are working towards might not help you plan your week, it will enable you to put systems in place to harness the power of the compound effect.


Serene is a clear winner in the laser concentration category since it helps to block off distractions. It keeps its commitment by not allowing distractions to slow you down. The distraction blocking tool aids in improving attention so you can accomplish more in less time. It’s intended to get you into deep work and help you complete your task faster.

It keeps you organized and helps you develop habits that allow you to focus on deeper tasks. It enables you to keep on track by focusing on one daily objective rather than being side-tracked by chores that don’t contribute to that goal.

Serene is an excellent focus app, although it is only available for Mac OS.


Todoist is one of the most exemplary daily planner applications for solopreneurs, team managers, and bigger businesses. This tool helps you stay organized and on track, ensuring that nothing is overlooked. Todoist merges with a variety of different apps, allowing for more efficient workflows and task management systems. The software meets the requirements to create a well-organized management system with several benefits. Subtasks, subprojects, repeating tasks, alerts, and more are all supported, making it as easy as possible to create a productivity system. This is what separates ToDoist from a simple to-do app. If you need to remember to take the trash out every Thursday, Todoist has your back!  It is available for android, iOS, Mac OS, and Windows.

Best Apps for Daily Planning
Photo by Neil Soni on Unsplash

Things 3

Things 3 is your business and personal organizer in one. It gives you the best help to increase your productivity and stay organized. Its minimalistic design makes it simple to comprehend and administer and it allows you to get started right away because no feature introduction is required. Simplicity is one of the main features that Things 3 incorporates. A productive app should be a painless addition to your day, which not only makes you more organized but, in fact, saves you time!

There are two main downsides of Things 3 though. Number one, it is only available for Mac or IOS users, so if you are not part of the Apple ecosystem – you lose out on this one. The second drawback is the price tag. Serene is quite expensive, depending on where you use it. For Mac computers or laptops, it is $50; for an iPad, it is $20; and for an iPhone, it’s $10.


Any.do offers to keep you on track and organized in the most effective ways possible. Its time management capabilities help you stay focused on your goals. Any.do incorporates many features to serve as a reminder of upcoming events that must not be missed. The standard features are due dates, prioritization, automated notifications, recurring task setup, reminders, and a drag-drop interface for quick to-do list generation. What really sets Any.do apart is the addition of the voice feature. Users can now generate a to-do list by speaking to their devices. It then extracts the information and creates an appropriate entry to your day.

This app is available for android, iOS, Mac OS, and Windows.

Best Apps for Daily Planning
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash


Trello is a productivity tool for people and groups. It focuses on assisting teamwork in reaching new heights. Its capabilities enable customized processes. For productive work, combine a simple user experience with purposeful cooperation among team members.

Activities may be organized into boards and cards, each of which can include a different set of tasks. Individual assignments with deadlines and checklists can be assigned to groups or individuals. What makes Trello unique is what it was designed for. It was developed with teamwork in mind, similar but different to Asana. Therefore, it supports features such as instant messaging so that you can discuss tasks and projects in real-time. Trello is available for android, iOS, Mac OS, and Windows.

Using the right tool to plan your day can be the difference between achieving mediocrity or excellence. Practicing guitar for 10 minutes a day allows for much more significant growth after two years than only being able to put in an hour or two on the weekend. In order to truly harness the power of the compound effect, you need to know what is essential and what to do next, so time isn’t wasted in a place of mental limbo. What software are you going to use to increase your productivity?