5 Things You Can Do To Be More Eco-Friendly

Credit: futureofeverything.io

As the effects of climate change have become more and more visible, many people are looking for ways to make their daily lives more eco-friendly. Doing so is actually not as challenging as you might think: simple swaps and changes are some of the best ways to improve your environmental impact. Even more large-scale projects, such as adding solar panels to your home, are more straightforward than you may expect.

With that in mind, what are some of the steps you can take to be more eco-friendly? How can you lessen your overall impact on the earth, and even start to give back to it? Here are five things you can do to make your daily life more environmentally conscious.

1. Look into Zero-Waste or Biodegradable Products

Reusable water bottles, compostable paper products, and recyclable food containers are just a few of the kinds of products that can lessen your environmental impact. These are easier to find than ever, and while you want to be sure to avoid “greenwashed” products, it’s also very easy to research which companies are legitimately eco-friendly.

Finding biodegradable products is an especially helpful way to be more eco-friendly – not only are they nonsynthetic, but their contact with bacteria and fungi starts their dissolving process. This means they don’t linger on the ground or in the water like plastic does. They ultimately go back to the earth through natural processes. Given the abundance of plastic waste that has to be dealt with, the long-term environmental impact of this cannot be overstated!

Other than this, you should also always find the right way to dispose of any type of items you want to throw out. Reaching out to e-waste companies to haul away your old electronic devices or making sure to properly recycle your plastics can make a big difference. Also, make sure to avoid buying products with excessive packaging whenever possible.

2. Choose Greener Transportation

Whether you elect to drive less and walk more, take public transit, or look into an electric or hybrid vehicle, there are several ways to make your commute more eco-friendly. Public transportation, walking, and biking can be beneficial on several levels, from reducing pollution to improving your health.

Of course, that said, your budget and where you live makes a big difference on which of these options is most accessible to you. For example, some areas are more biking- and walking-friendly than others, and in some cities, taking a bus or rail system can’t get you where you need to go. So if you live somewhere where driving is a necessity, be sure to research some of the newer electric and hybrid vehicles, as their energy efficiency has only improved from older models.

3. Try Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products at Home

Again, some cleaning products are subject to greenwashing and aren’t that helpful or sustainable. But if you watch out for harmful ingredients, you can make more informed choices about which cleaning products you do use. Avoid additives such as preservatives, foaming agents, and synthetic ingredients, and look for plant-based formulas instead. Even keeping a simple vinegar and water combination on hand can go a long way towards eco-friendly cleaning.

4. Switch Up Your Diet

Studies show that eating less meat as well as eating more seasonally and locally can seriously lighten the load of your individual environmental impact. And the good news is, even changing up your typical meals one or two days a week – for example, by going meatless – can go a long way towards making a difference. You can also try exploring local markets and co-ops for recipe and ingredient ideas, and to learn more about what the local food community is like in your area. This way, you can start giving back to the environment on both a local and global level.

5. Invest in Renewable Energy

Lowering your carbon footprint requires a multifaceted approach, but choosing to invest in renewable energy is one of the best and biggest steps you can take toward doing so. Solar panel installation is just one of the many ways you can do this, but it’s one of the most accessible, especially now.  And making your home more eco-friendly comes with a host of other benefits as well, from increased home value to savings on your energy bill, so be sure to look into some of the other ways you can get started. Adding outdoor solar lighting, installing energy-efficient windows, and looking into solar heating systems can also prove to be massively beneficial in this way.

Electric vehicle owners should keep in mind that their car can double as a backup battery. When coupled with a bidirectional charger in your home solar system, an EV can power your home during the night and provide the power in the event of a blackout.

Eco-Consciousness Today Means a Cleaner, Greener Tomorrow

While being easier on the earth is a collective effort, starting with yourself is a great way to change your perspective and make a contribution that you can see. When each of us starts thinking about his or her individual impact, we can make a bigger difference than we realize. Be sure to take advantage of all of the resources available, both online and in your community, to learn more about what it could look like for you to lower your individual carbon footprint today. That way, your and your family’s future can be just a little bit cleaner and brighter.