How To Safe Proof Your Enterprise Against Cyber Attacks

Cyber Attacks

In 2022, cybercrime is on the rise. The last few years have very quickly accelerated the digital transition for companies around the world. The pandemic required a quick and drastic change towards digital solutions for many businesses. This was seen in ecommerce options as well as companies transitioning to remote and hybrid workforces on a large scale. Not only was this digital change widespread, but it was also very sudden.

The sad story is that threat actors were waiting for this opportunity. While this online transition offered so much to many businesses, it also allowed for a sudden and sharp growth in cybercrime. Cyber hygiene and good oversight practices have never been so important. Understanding the threats is one thing, but it is also important to look at the simple ways threats can be limited. When employing a large workforce or dealing with a large user interface system or ecommerce platform, data breaches are going to happen. People make errors, it’s what they do. Beyond error, however, cybercrime is very lucrative, and when money is a motivator, people can be tempted. Sensitive information has become a potentially lucrative commodity. Threats from the outside are as imposing as threats from within.

So let’s try to understand the growing security threats found in the digital business sector and look at some of the best measures and practices that can be used to help limit cybersecurity risks and lower losses due to cybercrime.

Encryption And Proper Backups

Security breaches are a real threat. Mass cyberattacks and data leaks can ripple through the digital world and compromise so many accounts and so much sensitive information. Proper data encryption can be a very valuable step in securing sensitive data. As cyber threats continue to evolve, encryption protocol standards have to keep up.

Proper data backups may seem like a simple matter, but the fact is, data management problems can lead to serious security risks. Never losing important information is, of course, vital to business operation. Still, sometimes data backups can expose weak spots through outdated storage or encryption, or errors in transfer, storage, or access. Up to date encryption and secure off-site storage of backups can play a huge role in keeping sensitive material secured.

Prevention And Preparation

This can be easier said than done, but the real key to cybersecurity lies in preparation, awareness, and prevention planning. Don’t take cybersecurity lightly. Even if a business is currently not experiencing problems with cyber threats, this can quickly change. When it does, any business that hasn’t taken the time to prepare can be left exposed.

Prevention and preparation can take on many forms. New security technologies can be used, better oversights can be implemented, and employee practices can be revised. Technology may expose vulnerabilities, but these vulnerabilities are usually born of human error. Better employee education, secure and detailed enterprise password managers, and proper security oversight can do so much towards preventing threats from showing up.

Staff Education

Security training is very important. If your staff are not up to date with current threats and security measures, you will be left vulnerable. Proper cyberdata hygiene can be taught. This can be such a crucial piece of any security plan. Things as simple as password creation and management can be the difference between secure and at risk. Employees and IT personnel need to be up to date on modern security practices and risks. Training can be the deciding factor in detecting phishing attacks. A well targeted upper management phishing attack can have devastating consequences. Fostering awareness and accountability can go a long way to promoting a security culture.

Audits And Oversight

There is simply no possible way to eliminate cyber risks completely. That being said, there are ways to implement certain checks and balances in order to review and assess current cyber protection measures. These audits of a security system allow for identifying weaknesses and providing insight on problems to address. Changes can’t be made for increased protection unless weaknesses and failures can be accurately recognized. This internal oversight is a necessary step in maintaining a secure operation.

Multi Factor Authentication

Multi factor authentication (MFA) requires multiple proof credentials to authenticate a user’s identity. This is often in the form of a password that is accompanied by a unique and regularly reset pin code delivered with a separate device, such as a phone. It is a relatively simple layer of protection to implement and can actually offer quite a lot of increased protection.

Keep Administration Tight

Administration is very important for many reasons, but a vast network of administrators is only going to increase overall security risks. Sensitive information access is something to be very careful with. In many cases, limiting or aggregating admin access can help keep this sensitive information easier to control.

Security risks are always evolving, and considering the mass, worldwide acceleration into the digital realm that businesses have experienced, these threats can really stack up fast. The number one key to ongoing cybersecurity is vigilance. As things change and evolve, so too must businesses. Threats are not going to go away. In fact, it appears that cyber threats are only going to continue to increase. By staying up to date and investing in education and proper practices, threats can be minimized. Education is key, and any new article on cyber security may be the one needed to ensure a safe and secure company.