Know About Embedded Systems: It’s Hardware, Software And Development

embedded hardware development

What Is An Embedded System?

An embedded system combines a computer processor, memory, and input or peripheral output devices. It is embedded as part of complete devices like electrical and electronic hardware and mechanical parts.

They are built by combining software and hardware as a significant component. Embedded systems are programmable and perform specific functions.

What Do Embedded Systems Consist Of?

The three primary components of an embedded system are – hardware, software, and time operating system. The hardware consists of system application-specific circuits, processors, timers, and memory.

In addition, it has software that takes care of system memory availability and needs to limit power and availability of processor speed. The last component, the operating system, keeps the system organized and provides a technique that controls the schedule of when a processor would run and when it should switch from one to the other.

How Do Embedded Systems Work?

Several systems control the embedded systems like:

  • Microcontrollers
  • Digital signal processors
  • Application-specific integrated circuits
  • Field-programmable gate arrays
  • GPU technology
  • Gate arrays

The programming instructions of the embedded systems, which are referred to as firmware, are stored in flash memory chips or read-only memory. An embedded system can connect the outside world via linking output and input devices and peripherals.

What Is The Structure Of An Embedded System Based On?

The structure of the embedded systems is based on:

  1. Sensor – The sensor is used to measure and convert the physical quantity to an electrical signal which any electronic instrument can read. The sensor stores the measurements in the memory.
  2. A-D converter – The analog to digital converter converts the analog signal sent by the sensor into a digital signal.
  3. D-A converter- A digital to analog converter changes the digital feed by the processor to analog data.
  4. Actuator – An actuator compares the output given by the D-A Converter to the actual output and stores the approved one.

What Are The Essential Characteristics Of Embedded Systems?

The important characteristics of the embedded systems are:

  • Speed
  • Power
  • Size and weight
  • Accuracy
  • Reliability

How Is An Embedded Hardware System Developed?

The embedded hardware systems development involves assorting embedded product designs and development for a wide range of embedded systems.

Here is more about embedded hardware design:

  1. Product prototyping – Providing product prototyping service designs to reduce wastage of time and money. It also involves resolving if the idea is viable and can be implemented using the recent technologies.
  2. Board design- An expert concept is required for board prototyping, including BSP and Driver development.
  3. PCB layout- This is the hardest part of building any customized embedded hardware development. Making a PCB board using the latest technologies is possible by experienced professionals at ADUK GmbH.

There are a number of embedded hardware developed products by ADUK GmbH like sensor systems, controllers and inverters, control technology, LED technology for lighting concepts, Bus systems like DALI, and radio systems like Bluetooth and Zigbee.


ADUK GmbH provides the best quality services for building customized embedded hardware systems. They have professionals with vast experience in the field of embedded hardware. To know more about their services on embedded hardware development, visit our website today!