When Will People Finally Reach Mars?

When Will People Finally Reach Mars
Credit: cnbc.com

Since the lunar expeditions in the 60s and 70s, people have dreamed about our chances of exploring the rest of our solar system. As the closest planet to Earth, Mars represents a viable option for exploration, and multiple Mars rover missions over the years have revealed a lot about the planet. We know that it’s a rocky, dusty planet with no atmosphere, much like the conditions found on the moon. However, there have so far been no manned expeditions to the red planet, despite it being talked about for decades.

While space exploration has slowed down since the 70s due to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the space race, technology has still advanced at an alarming pace. The computers that were used to calculate the Apollo 11 flight were far less powerful than modern smartphones.

The smartphones we use today can perform large calculations as well as provide internet access to all sorts of data on space travel or what is “out there” for conspiracy theorists. And for those looking to take a break from it all, the internet is saturated with information about all sorts of extracurricular online entertainment, like online casinos, which have exponentially grown over the years. And with that growth came the option of mobile casinos, offering their users the chance to log in and play their favourite games on their mobile device without having to download any apps or worry about security because the sites are regulated. You can learn more about a mobile casino before you sign up by visiting review sites, which also include a list of promotions from each operator for you to choose from. As technology has advanced, it has made our lives easier and more enjoyable, and, dare we say, it has piqued our interest in what lies beyond the planet Earth.

Today, humanity is in a better position than ever to reach Mars and even potentially colonise the planet. NASA has made great leaps in exploring the red planet through the Curiosity rover, while China’s rover, Zhurong, has also collected invaluable data. Aside from government-led space exploration, the rise of private spaceflight has made headlines all over the world. Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic recently flew private suborbital flights, while Space X has led innovations in rocket technology with its self-landing, reusable Falcon 9 rockets.

Are Manned Mars Missions Planned?

While there haven’t been any manned missions to Mars yet, there have been lots of exploration missions over the years using probes and rovers. These devices have been able to gather information about the planet’s atmosphere, soil, terrain, and other details. All this information is invaluable when it comes to planning a manned mission, which would obviously carry a lot more risks. Manned missions are incredibly expensive and dangerous, which are the main reasons why, so far, they haven’t been achieved on Mars.

However, there are currently several manned Mars missions in the works. With the long-term goal being to establish a permanent human colony on Mars to extract the planet’s resources, China plans to send its first crewed trip to Mars in 2033. This first flight will be followed by regular follow-up flights.

China visited Mars for the first time in May 2021, landing an exploration rover on the planet. Since then, the country has revealed its ambitious plans that would intensify a new space race with the US to be the first to land manned missions on the surface. Crewed missions to Mars are planned for 2033, 2035, 2037, 2041, and beyond. This news was revealed by the head of China’s largest rocket manufacturer, Wang Xiaojun, who spoke at a recent space exploration conference in Russia via video link.

Aside from this, SpaceX also intends to send manned crews to the red planet within the next few years. Elon Musk, the company’s founder and CEO, stated in December 2020 that he was optimistic that SpaceX would launch humans to Mars in 2026, but that the milestone might happen as early as 2024 “if we get lucky.”

SpaceX will be making use of the 165-foot-tall Starship, which will launch from Earth atop a massive rocket called a “Super Heavy” in order to reach Mars. According to Musk, both vehicles will be reusable, with the Super Heavy returning to Earth with a vertical touchdown. On the other hand, A starship will be able to fly between Earth and Mars multiple times. The spacecraft will be powerful enough to take off from Mars without an additional rocket, as the gravity there is weaker than on Earth.

Could Humans Live on Mars?

While manned exploration missions to Mars are the first step, many dreamers, including Elon Musk, see the eventual formation of a colony on the red planet. Humans could potentially live on Mars, but the lack of an atmosphere, as well as a real water source and lower gravity, will all pose problems for humans living there for some time.

A colony will initially be dependent on constant resupply from Earth, meaning a dependable and reusable transport method is one of the most important aspects of establishing the colony. Aside from that, humans will need to live away from the harmful radiation from the sun, inside protected capsules or underground. It will be a difficult task, but some of the Earth’s brightest minds are working on it.