Top 8 News Media Accounts You Should Follow

News Media Accounts
Photo by Tyler Franta on Unsplash

News is an important aspect of each one of us. Instagram is one of the leading social media platforms where people spend their time mindlessly. With the constant fear of missing out on the most recent, relevant, and important information, Instagram also opens up doors to help you stay updated in the comfort of one place and utilize your time more cautiously.

Be it regarding the conflicts in 2 major countries, regarding the latest technology being launched, or the recent interview appearances of a mega-famous star, News media accounts have everything that you are looking for.

The news accounts curate their page to ensure that the audience stays active and engaged with all the current important events of the world.

This list offers you 8 New media accounts you should follow on Instagram to use your time rightfully on the social media site.

Why Should You Follow News Media Accounts on Instagram?

News Media Accounts
Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash

News media is necessary to renew the time spent on social media. Since most of us spend an average of more than 5-6 hours on our phones, and specifically on social media sites, it is important to ensure that the time employed is judicious and cautious.

  • It allows you to have all appropriate news in the current time.
  • It offers easy access to all kinds of economic, entertainment, political, national, and internal news in one place.
  • It allows people to share their side of the news, making it an interactive experience.
  • It allows the users to have a personalized news section for them. This helps to ensure that you watch and stay updated with the information that you are willing to know.

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Top 8 News Media accounts You Should Follow

1.   The Guardian

News Media Accounts
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

The Guardian offers news in bite-size facts form. It allows users to have news across the world in various fields such as economics, politics, ecology, environment, and more. The Guardian is known to present information in an interactive format for all its users using videos, and photos.

It pays attention to the minute details of the events and robust branding provides it a strong user-base. It has a video-story section for emotional and personal stories relating to nature.

2.   Financial Times

News Media Accounts
Photo by Mikelya Fournier on Unsplash

The financial times offers a well-constructed profile that offers all real-time information creatively. It adds every detail about the latest events including the infographics and quotes related to the article. It also has an additional list of information on topics such as Lifestyle, climate, entertainment, fashion, and home.

The US social media editor of FT Jake Grovum states that the focus of their account is to offer valuable news to all its audience and not focus on attracting paid subscribers.

3.   Vice News

News Media Accounts
Photo by Adeolu Eletu on Unsplash

Vice News is a platform that not only offers news-related content but also offers documentaries, mini-educative videos for its users. Their page is a blend of current news of current events, and entertainment news of all fields, including documentaries, plays showcased on the page. Vice also makes 100% use of the IGTV format to provide more valuable content for the users.

4.   Fox News

News Media Accounts
Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

Fox News is a high-production account that has an exciting amalgam of entertainment and business news. It offers political, economic, business, health, national, and world news along with current viral videos and stories.

They showcase multiple Instagram stories, motivational posts for its users. It is an American-based multinational news media channel. It always makes sure to maintain the integrity of the event.

5.   The Telegraph

News Media Accounts
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

The Telegraph is a UK-based channel. The feed consists of daily news from multiple categories such as national, world, sports, entertainment, and political news. The website even has a section of opinions for its users to share their valuable input on a subject.

This helps the audience to stay connected and involved in the event. It offers real-time updates on the feed. The feed is timely-updated in a comprehensive manner and is modern and smart in its presentation.

6.   The Washington Post

News Media Accounts
Photo by Dolapo Ayoade on Unsplash

The Washington Post primarily focuses on the use of correlative vibrant images to showcase the news. This practice helps to enhance the users’ retention. They offer image posts combined with long elaborative texts to take you into the minute details of the event. The news is updated regularly and the images used in the front of any news article are entirely text-free.

This helps to make the news-reading experience less intimidating for its audience. The Washington Post has been consistent with the longer video formats of IGTV since 2019 and offers a wide range of quality content for all.

7.   BBC News

News Media Accounts
Photo by Lucas Hoang on Unsplash

BBC News offers a combination of interactive long-video formats, world news, emotional stories, and extensive coverage of the Royal Family. The BBC news Instagram feed provides a more involved experience to the readers. It uses comprehensive Instagram stories to direct people to its website. The website offers in-depth analysis and illumination on the topic.

8.   Buzzfeed News World

News Media Accounts
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Buzzfeed News World is a part of Buzzfeed, a widely-known network in entertainment, food, fashion, lifestyle, and many more fields. The Buzzfeed News World takes leverage from the company’s experience in providing conducive and interacting content across multiple platforms. Buzzfeed News World offers a range of news in a personal manner, making it easier for users to connect to the information.

The brand presentation and storytelling make news reading worthwhile. With the help of vibrant posts, IGTV videos, and the design and style of the posts makes it a delightful experience.


This list offers the top 8 News media accounts on Instagram. This detailed analysis will help you understand and choose the best news media to account for to make your social media hours more productive and valuable.