Top 6 New 3D Animation And Motion Design Trends In 2021

3D animation studio in London
Photo by Ion Şipilov on Unsplash

If you are an animator or graphic designer, it’s important that you stay ahead of trends. By knowing what’s in and what’s out, you will be able to create the perfect content for your clients. If you can’t keep your content relevant, then you may struggle to find and retain clients. Thankfully, staying ahead of the latest animation and motion design trends isn’t difficult. You simply need to take a look at the content that other designers are producing and read this article.

Here are the top six new 3D animation and motion trend designs of this year:


Minimalism is more popular than ever. This is in many respects a reflection of how simple many people’s lives have become, due to lockdowns and an inability to go out and spend time with their friends and family. Minimalist animation, particularly line art, is seeing a renaissance. This type of art can be seen absolutely everywhere, from television to digital marketing. If you want to create content that’s relevant for your portfolio, then now’s the best time to get involved and start making minimalistic line art. One of the advantages of this type of animation is that it is extremely simple and straightforward to produce. This allows you to learn [if you are a beginner], while still creating relevant content.

If you aren’t learning to animate, but want minimalistic animations, then you should hire a 3D animator. According to one 3D animation studio in London, there’s a lot that goes into making a 3D animated video. Sometimes it’s best to leave it to the professionals, instead of trying to do it yourself.


While minimalism is extremely popular at the moment, industry insiders believe that the trend is going to shift to expressive animations in the near future. Vector graphics and minimalist animations have dominated over the course of the pandemic, and while to some extent they will remain popular, the focus is inevitably going to shift to expressive animations at some point soon. Vector animations can look very similar, which makes everybody’s content more or less the same.

If you want to stay ahead of the trends, then begin creating expressive and colorful animated content. As we mentioned previously, you can hire a 3D animator to do this for you if you aren’t a skilled animator. Expressive animations can be much more difficult to create.


Hybrid animations are also very popular at the moment. Hybrid animations involve the combination of two [or more] styles of animation. This could be expressive animations combined with minimalist animations. If you watch television or regularly check out online advertisements, you will notice that hybrid animations are becoming more common. Hybrid animations can be incredibly difficult to produce, especially for beginners. You will need a lot of skill to produce animations like these, but the reward will be worth the effort.


For a long time, animation and video have conformed to the industry standard aspect ratio, which was 16:9. Now due to the widespread usage of smartphones, vertical content is becoming much more popular. If you want to create content that’s engaging and captivating, then it’s time to begin creating vertical content.

With that said, you should create content that’s vertical and 16:9. This is so that people can watch your content on their mobile phones and their laptops or smart televisions. Producing content that’s suitable for a variety of different devices is a great way to appeal to a wider audience.


Your animations don’t need to be drab or lack colors these days. Instead, they can be bright, colorful, and flamboyant. In fact, it’s a very popular trend right now! Don’t overlook the importance of color in your animations. Colorful animations can be very captivating and can be a great way to show off your creative flair. Be sure to include lots of colorful animations in your portfolio.

3D animation studio in London
Photo by Zhifei Zhou on Unsplash


In animations in the past, it was not uncommon to find an imbalance in gender [and race]. We live in a much more accepting and progressive world than we once did before, so be sure to vary race and gender in your animations. Instead of creating characters who are always white European and typically male, begin incorporating those of different ethnic heritage and of differing genders. Same-sex couples should also be included in your animations. A balance of genders and ethnicities is a great way to create content that reflects the world’s progressivity and inclusion.

If you want to make it a successful animator, then you need to be skilled in different areas of 3D design and animation. Make sure to include a variety of different types of animations in your portfolio, so that you can showcase your talent to talent scouts and companies.