Best Strategies To Help You Solve Sudoku Successfully

Sudoku strategies
Credit: MPL

Sudoku is one of the most popular puzzle games across the world. It has been there for the longest time. Nowadays, thanks to the development in the gaming industry, players can play Sudoku either online or in magazines and newspapers. However, whichever method you choose to play Sudoku, there is no doubt that you will have an excellent gaming experience. You can play Sudoku puzzle game wherever whenever. It is no secret that this mind-teasing game has taken the world by storm.

When playing Sudoku, it is not uncommon to get stuck along the game. You can reach a point where you feel like you cannot solve the puzzle anymore. You may even erase everything and start all over again. This can be pretty frustrating, right? Fortunately, there are a number of strategies you can use to help you progress into the game.

However, thorough research and practice are required to identify these strategies and find out how they work. If you want to solve your Sudoku puzzle successfully and be proud of yourself, you are in the right place.

In this piece, we discuss some of the advanced Sudoku strategies that can help you solve Sudoku puzzles successfully. Whether you prefer playing Sudoku online or in newspapers and magazines, it is a perfect idea to read this article carefully. You will get plenty of insights. Let’s get started!

Sudoku Best Strategies

As already stated above, there are a number of advanced Sudoku strategies that players can use to solve their Sudoku puzzle successfully. However, when it comes to these strategies, you should choose a strategy that you understand and makes sense to you. If you find that a particular strategy is not working for you, you need to go to the next one to help you solve your puzzle.

Here are the best Sudoku strategies:

1. The X-Wing Strategy

The X-Wing strategy is one of the best Sudoku strategies. However, it is also worth mentioning that this strategy can also be used in certain intermediate levels, though its frequency is pretty low in these cases.

When using this strategy, the player will be looking at the parallel columns and rows. As a player, you won’t be focusing on squares that much. The goal of the X-Wing strategy is to eliminate possible numbers and get rid of some of the pencil marks you made when starting to solve the puzzle.

Take a good look at the rows to identify any pencil marks that are the same in 2 spots. Then match that row with a row that is parallel to it. Please note that pencil marks should be exactly the same in the two spots.

The X-Wing strategy requires a lot of thinking. However, it is very effective. It is not the best strategy for beginners. But if you want to improve your skills, it is a perfect solution. It will surely help you develop the skills required to move from just concentrating on one column, one row, and one square. This strategy can help you see the bigger picture.

2. The Swordfish Strategy

This strategy is almost similar to the X-Wing strategy because it also helps to get rid of a candidate from the cells too. However, the only difference is that in the Swordfish strategy, you are looking at 3 possible numbers in 3 columns or rows and not 2 possible numbers in 2 rows which applies to the X-Wing strategy. If you find it hard to understand the X-Wing strategy, then you will even find it more frustrating to use the Swordfish method.

To apply this strategy, you need to find a number to 2 cells in a similar row in three different rows. The cells should also be joined by column irrespective of the pattern they have created. Linking them will lead to a closed chain that will disclose 2 sets of possible placements for that number. You can then put them to the test and eliminate that digit as a candidate to the cells where it becomes impossible in both cases.

It is no secret that the Swordfish strategy is a highly advanced and quite a complicated strategy you can use to successfully solve your Sudoku puzzle. It is ideal for Sudoku fans that have been playing Sudoku for quite some time and now completely understand grid patterns work. If you are just getting started with playing Sudoku, this strategy may not be suitable for you since you will not be able to see the patterns easily, making you fail to solve your Sudoku. Perhaps you may consider trying applying the X-Wing strategy since it is beginner-friendly.

3. The Forcing Chains

This is one of the best Sudoku strategies that are easy to understand. However, applying it can be pretty challenging. That’s because it requires a high level of concentration and the outcome can be quite uncertain. When it does work, the strategy will give the player the solution for one cell.

To use this strategy, there must be cells with just two digits in the grid. You pick one and begin testing the changes to the puzzle when applying all of the two digits in that particular cell. The goal of this strategy is to find if there is a cell that can give the same result despite the digit that is used. In that case, it will be the solution for it.

Wrapping up

When solving your Sudoku puzzle, your main wish is to solve it successfully. Unfortunately, this may not be the case sometimes. You can get stuck sometimes. This means you will have to look for ways to keep solving the puzzle if you are not willing to give up. These strategies named above can help you unstuck in your Sudoku game whenever you feel stuck. These strategies can help you become a pro Sudoku player. Just makes sure you read them carefully and find the one that works for you. Better yet, you can even apply all of them.