How To Properly Take Care Of Your Wound And Keep It Clean

Image by saulhm from Pixabay

So, you were either injured or had surgery and now have a wound. You need to know how to take care of that wound, so it heals properly. There are many ways to do this, but the most important thing is keeping the area clean.

This blog post will give you some tips on what you can do to make sure your wound heals right!

To Clean, a Wound, Use Soap and Water or Hydrogen Peroxide

It is important to keep your wound clean. To do this, you can use either soap and water or hydrogen peroxide on the stain to disinfect it.

First of all, wash your hands thoroughly before touching the infected area to not transfer any bacteria from them onto the wounded area. Once your hands are washed, use soap and water or hydrogen peroxide on the wound. Also, it would be important to check these wound care solutions to know how to take care of the wound after washing it. Besides this, you will also get the dos and don’ts to help your wound heal faster.

NEVER use alcohol, iodine, gasoline, hot sauce, bleach of any kind to clean your wound! These substances will only cause it to get infected worse than before. If you are unsure what substance you may have been using, stop immediately and don’t use it!

Clean the Area Around the Wound with a Sterile Pad or Cotton Ball

After you clean the wound, it is important to also clean around the wound. This will help prevent infection from getting into the area and causing a problem.

To do this, use sterile pads or cotton balls that have been soaked in water mixed with hydrogen peroxide to clean up any excess blood near your injury. If there isn’t any blood around the wound, don’t worry about it.

NEVER use a rag or towel that has been used on something else to clean your skin! These objects can have bacteria and germs from previous items they’ve touched still living within them, which could cause an infection.

Apply an Antibiotic Ointment to Keep Bacteria from Infecting the Wound

Once you have cleaned your wound, it is important to apply an antibiotic ointment to the area. This will keep bacteria from coming in contact with it and causing more infection.

Many antibiotics can be used, but these three work very well: Neosporin, Polysporin, or a triple-antibiotic ointment.

NEVER put a band-aid on your wound! Bandages can cause infection and keep bacteria in the area for much longer than normal, so it will take you longer to heal. If you need protection, use an antibiotic cream or gel instead of a bandage.

Cover the Injury with Either Gauze or a Bandage to Protect it From Dirt and Germs

Image by HeungSoon from Pixabay

It is important to protect the area that you just cleaned so it will heal properly.

If you don’t have gauze or bandages, you can also use a clean towel or shirt instead. You want something with some elasticity but not too tight as this could cause more damage than good and keep bacteria in the wound for much longer than necessary.

Cover the wound with gauze or a bandage and place an adhesive strip over it to keep it on securely. You can also use rubber bands if you don’t have any strips available!

Keep your Hands Clean While Caring for your Wound by Washing Them Regularly

It is important to keep your hands clean while caring for the wound so that any bacteria on them don’t get transferred onto the injured area and cause more infection.

To do this, wash your hands with soap and water or hydrogen peroxide after touching anything else (like a towel) to kill off any germs that may be on them.

NEVER touch anything else with your hands after cleaning the wound (like a doorknob), as this could cause bacteria to enter the area, leading to more infection and delayed healing time!

Change Bandages At Least Once Every Day

It is important to change the bandage at least once a day, more often if needed. If there is too much blood on the gauze or it becomes soaked with fluids, remove and replace it as soon as possible to prevent bacteria from entering your wound!

NEVER reuse tape that has been used in place of adhesive strips because they can cause more damage than good to the wound.

NEVER place a band-aid over a fresh, open wound! This will only keep bacteria inside of it instead of cleaning it out and preventing infection.

Wounds can be dangerous. They are a breeding ground for bacteria and infection, so it’s important to take care of them properly with soap and water or hydrogen peroxide if necessary. Clean the wound area thoroughly before applying an antibiotic ointment to keep germs out while you cover your injury with gauze or a bandage–and wash your hands often! Change your bandages at least once every day, making sure not to let dirt get into the wound site after contact has been made.