How To Switch From A General IT Career To Cybersecurity

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

The world is experiencing a boom of modern technology connecting people and objects across the globe. The simplest example is using virtual storage spaces to keep your data. But we all know that the surge of anything whatsoever also brings some ills with it.

The biggest ill connected to information technology and use of IT infrastructure is data theft and hacking. Incidents of data theft are increasing worldwide. In 2020, the FBI experienced an increase of 300% in cybercrimes.

On the one hand, it highlights the essentiality of data and numbers for our personal and professional lives. But on the other, it calls for more preparedness in seeking ways and expertise to uplift data security.

A related concept interwoven with data theft and hacking incidents is cybersecurity and professionals who make sure that all the personal and financial transactions are safe. The heightened increase in the number of cases where data was leaked or hacked has boosted the career of cybersecurity.

More general IT professionals are shifting towards cybersecurity due to the heightened scope and interest in this career. However, the shift cannot occur overnight. One cannot move from general IT to the specialized profession of a cybersecurity professional without proper preparation and homework.

But where to start if you want to make a shift to cybersecurity? Below we mention some tips for all of you preparing to make a transition to cybersecurity.

Make a start: Which careers can enter into cybersecurity?

While there is no denying that a person with an IT background will face fewer problems when shifting to cybersecurity. However, it is becoming pervasive for other professions like computer science, mathematics, and even philosophy to choose cybersecurity.

The transition from other professions has become even easier with the boost of online education. After their Bachelor’s degree, many fresh graduates prefer a masters in cyber security online course for the ease of study and taking up some work alongside.

The pandemic has not only given a boost to online education. But also told young graduates to always look for work alongside, as the job market situation can worsen at any time. The integration of a variety of backgrounds in cybersecurity will benefit the profession in the long run.

Training in general IT

According to cybersecurity gurus, it is always a preferred option to start with training in general IT. It can happen by taking up a job, an internship in the IT field to know about basic concepts such as administration systems, server configurations, databases, and coding.

One of the significant benefits of working and apprenticing with professionals is that you learn the language of the field. The apprentice programs in the IT field allow you to get hands-on experience accelerating your chances of landing a job in cybersecurity. Your discussions and working in various areas will help you streamline your career options and focus on a narrower field.

Streamline your interests

There are many subfields and areas in cybersecurity, and it is impossible to master all the fields. Therefore, it is essential to focus on one career path under the cybersecurity umbrella. Acting as a jack of all trades can prevent you from being specialized in your field. Instead, you have to focus on all the aspects and technicalities of one area of your liking.

While choosing a career, think about where you want to see yourself in five years and the career prospects of your chosen field. You can focus on network security, security software development, web security, and the likes. These are all the most famous career options in cybersecurity.

Get field related practical experience

Your prior experience related to the area of your choice can help you quickly climb the career ladder in the IT security field. If you already have IT experience, that is well and good. Getting practical experience in Computer Programming, Software engineering, Computer Systems Analyst, IT Customer Service, Network Engineer, etc., can make the transition easier.

Too baffled by the number of prospective entry-level positions and choosing one overwhelms you? Always look for a job that is related to the security field, giving you the required experience.

Develop an impressive resume

As they say, your resume is your first impression of prospective employers. Therefore, work on building a solid and impressive resume. Always mention your related courses and certificates that can enhance your chances of getting a job. A quick tip; always add details that the employer is looking for in the candidates.

The employer is looking for prior IT training and education for cybersecurity jobs. Your previous experience related to networking, databases, and so on can enhance your attractiveness as a candidate. Never forget to mention your hard and soft skills in your resume. For a career in IT security, soft skills can include the ability to communicate technical aspects of the data.

If you cannot work on the resume, there are numerous resume writing services available online. You can look at their reviews and take their help to make the resume more appealing.


Switching from general IT to cybersecurity takes time and proper planning. It is more like a transition instead of a sudden shift. Thus, you have to go through different steps. The steps and tips mentioned in this article can help you streamline your thoughts, helping you achieve your goal. In this regard, a master’s degree in cybersecurity can further elevate your chances of getting your foot into the new career stream.