Top 5 Suggestions for New Bloggers

Image source: Lifehack

Starting off as a newbie in the blogging world? Have you got your blog page in place? Have you decided on the niche you want to write about? If all of this is set, let’s take a look at a few things you must not miss.

Your subscribers are the driving force of your blog and their support makes your blog stand above all others. You get this support only when you supply your readers with quality content that they find interesting and entertaining.

So, what does it take to maintain a guest blogging site India like that with genuine readers? Checkout 5 tips to follow that will surely ease your load of getting returning readers.

1. Give away your knowledge

Just like the adage “We are drowning in information but starving for knowledge”, your readers are also waiting for an exciting read. Thus, along with a proper strategy and the right audience, your blog needs gripping posts, to become successful. No matter what topic you write on, make sure that your passion and knowledge of the subject reflects through your posts. The more knowledge shared, the more readers attracted.

2. Build your email list

Don’t settle once your blog starts doing well, now it is time to build your email list. Statistics show that your blog links are 6 times more likely to be clicked on from emails than from any other social media platform. Therefore along with keeping a track of the insights, investing in a good email marketing campaign will prove beneficial in the long term. You will also get to know about your dependable subscribers.

3. Give away free goodies

‘Free goodies’ are two words that attract more traffic to a blog than most other things. You should use this to your advantage. Arrange for a free giveaway and look at your web traffic shoot up in a very short period. This might also lead to more audience and blogger interaction. If you own a video blog, you can ask your subscribers to share their unboxing videos which you can post on your blog, building a correspondence in turn.

4. Don’t forget the call to action

Call-To-Action buttons in a blog are essential to attract new audiences and generate leads. While adding these call-to-action buttons, be thoughtful, and use such options that will urge your audience to participate in the action and will encourage them to give up their contact information. They should be interesting enough to attract the readers’ attention.

5. Collaborate with Other Bloggers

Blogger collaborations are a great way to attract new audiences. Know your contemporaries, build a good rapport with them, and choose your collaborative partners wisely. This will enable you to share other bloggers’ fanbase, in turn increasing yours. Two or more bloggers can collaborate to discuss their journey and share tips about the blogging world with the ones who need them. Utilize this smart technique and get popular among most people real fast.

Our Take

We have listed a few tips that we feel will help you better yourself with regard to blogging. These are useful and necessary for your blog’s growth. We will soon come back with more enlightening content; till then visit and keep yourself engaged.