The Basics of SEO You Should Know

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Sydney, the capital of New South Wales, Australia, is best known for its iconic Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge. You will not see an Australian postcard or an Australian tourist advertisement without the Opera House in the background. Sydney is also the city where a lot of foreign banks and multinational corporations are located, making Sydney, Australia’s financial capital. There are also a lot of small businesses in Sydney.

If you are a small business owner in Sydney, you must make use of every technique or marketing strategy to give you an edge over your competition. Hiring SEO Sydney services Australia is one of these strategies. SEO services will help optimize your website so that it becomes more visible to your target market. However, if you are still not familiar with Search Engine Optimization, here are some of the basic SEO knowledge.

Search Engines

Search engines such as Google and Bing, are similar to answering machines. These search engines go through billions of contents and evaluate them using algorithms to determine which contents will answer a user’s query. Search engines use a process called “crawling and indexing” to determine which internet content will match a query. The search engines will then show all the possible matches in ranked order in the search engine results pages or SERPs.

Search Engine Optimization or SEO

SEO is the short term for search engine optimization, which is a collection of all the processes of increasing the quality and quantity of traffic to your website. The main goal of SEO is to know your target audience and the type of content that they are looking for. When done right, SEO will enable more users to find your website when they search for relevant keywords using search engines.

Organic Search Results

Organic search results are the results that are earned through effective SEO marketing and not through paid advertising, such as Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads. When a user searches for relative keywords, the search engine will show the user a list of websites that matches their keyword search.

The SERPs will show both PPC ads and top-ranking websites for that specific keyword search. Although PPC ads are shown before the ranked websites, SERPs today have more features that can be influenced by SEO. New features such as snippets and answer boxes are useful to users because they can glance at a website’s content and determine whether that website matches what they are looking for.

Importance of SEO

Search engines are responsible for driving the majority of traffic to business websites. Users become aware of a brand when it becomes visible on SERPs. Users also click more on organic search results as compared to clicking on PPCs. Studies have shown that only about 2.8 percent of users click on PPCs. Websites that rank high in SERPs through organic means are deemed more credible by savvy searchers who trust Google’s algorithms for website ranking. In short, a well-optimized webpage will have higher chances of being visited by users.

Hiring SEO Services

There are SEO techniques that you can do on your own such as writing informative content on your website that users will find helpful. However, if you are not familiar with the technicalities of search engine algorithms, it would be best to hire SEO Sydney services Australia to optimize your website for you.

Having a well-optimized webpage will enable your business to be seen by a wider audience, no matter what platform they are using.

Author Bio: Ellen Laurie is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.